this day year

[ðɪs de jɪr][ðis dei jə:]


  • This must be the coldest day we 've had so far this year .

    肯定是 今年到目前为止最冷的 天气吧!

  • We look forward to continue promoting handwashing with soap not only during this annual celebration but every day of the year .

    我们将继续推广用肥皂洗手,推广活动不仅仅限于10月15 ,而是 天天开展。

  • This door this day last year .

    去年 今日此门中。

  • Just because he is busy for too long on this day every year like this .

    只因为他为 忙碌了太久, 每年如此。

  • May every special happiness fill this day for you and may the year bring everything you look forward to .

    愿你的 生日充满特别的欢愉,愿新的 带给你所期盼的一切。

  • I see Lucie when she is old crying for me on this day every year and I know that she and her husband remember me until their deaths .

    我看见路茜年老的时候,每一 都会为我哭泣,我知道她和她的丈夫会一直到死都记着我。

  • This certification is valid from ( Month )( Day )( Year ) to ( Month )( Day )( Year ) .

    证明表自年月 年月日有效。

  • This brings a wish for happiness on your birthday and every day all year !

    最大的幸福属于你, 今天 每日每时。

  • Photographer 's Comments I made this pic on the only day with snow this year .

    副图是本 唯一的 雪天拍摄的,地上也蒙上了柔弱的白雾;

  • On this day the longest day of the year there will be over 19 hours of daylight in Sweden .

    这天 白昼是一 中最长的,在瑞典,夏至这天的白昼会超过19个小时。

  • This is the shortest day in the year .

    今天 白昼最短的

  • This is where he went day after day week after week year after year in order to earn the weekly paycheck which would satisfy the needs of his family .

    他到处去卖油漆和汽车玻璃, 是他 每天,每个星期, 每年马不停蹄所做的事,为了要拿到薪水养家。

  • We 'll return this deposit to you the day of one year later since the day we received the payment .

    我们将在我们收到 保证金(订金)起算到下一 次日退还贵司。

  • It is for precisely this reason that the International Day of Peace this year is dedicated to young people .

    正因 如此今年的国际和平 才专门献给青年人。

  • The park opens five hours a day this year against three hours a day last year .

    这公园 今年每天开放五小时,而 去年 每天开放三小时。

  • This is our college life happy every day happy every year .

    就是我们大学生活,快乐每一 ,开心每一

  • Of course we all wish Daniel the very best this holiday season as well as every other day throughout the year .

    当然我们全部愿丹尼尔那非常最好的 假日季节,连同一 整年每隔一 日子

  • This isn 't a correct day for this month and year .

    对于该月份和 年份 日期不正确。

  • Looking for something different this Valentine 's Day ? We are going to the mountains next year for a change .

    今年的情人 想不想变变花样? 明年我们要换换花样,到山区去(度假)。

  • On this day each year activities will be set off to advocate respecting and caring for the old people .

    每到 这个 时候,社会上 要掀起一股热潮,提倡尊敬老人、照顾老人。

  • This has got to be the coldest day of the year .

    一定是 今年 整年最冷的

  • Maybe lover is always beautiful in the other 's eyes but no one knows how long this beauty can last one hour one day one year or one life ?

    也许在每个恋人眼里对方都是美的,但 这个美能维持多久,一小时、一 、一 、还是一辈子!

  • This year it recruited as many as 50 workers a day after the new year hiring period . This compares with just 10 a day last year .

    今年,该公司在春节之后每天招募的员工数多达50名,而 去年 每天只能招到10人。

  • This is usually the busiest shopping day of the year .

    通常, 中最忙的采购

  • This time was added as an extra day during each leap year .

    在每个 闰年 这些时间就被加总起来成为多出来的