


  • New variety of thorite & plumbothorite


  • A soft silvery-white tetravalent radioactive metallic element ; isotope 232 is used as a power source in nuclear reactors ; occurs in thorite and in monazite sands .

    一种软质、银白色、放射性四价金属元素,同位素用作核反应 能源见于 钍矿和独居 沙中。

  • Easy ways to distinguish the xenotime the thorite and the zircon

    鉴别磷钇矿, 和锆石的简易方法

  • The enrichment for the three elements may be attributed to their downward migration due to dissolution of zircon and thorite by humus acid and adsorption by montmorillonite and amorphous iron oxides .

    Zr、 Hf和Th在风化 剖面上部有明显的富集,可能与 矿物锆石与 风化壳表层被腐植酸溶解后向下迁移被蒙脱石与非晶质氧化铁吸附有关。