thrash out

[θræʃ aʊt][θræʃ aut]


  • This paper thrash out these through studied the city newspaper as model .

    本文 选取 发行 较大的都市报作为研究 模本,探讨 经济新闻存在的 问题

  • If he refused to speak out the truth thrash it out .

    他若拒绝讲出实情, 打字 实情

  • Overall couples took longer to heal when asked to thrash out points of conflict than neutral issues .

    总之,当一对夫妇被要求分析并 解决 某些争端时,他们的 伤口愈合 速度讨论中立论题时要慢一些。

  • We have got a very urgent priorities problem to thrash out .

    我们有一个很紧迫的优先权问题得 解决

  • You 'll have to thrash out the question among yourselves .

    你们自己之间必须 研讨 解决这个问题。

  • Both sides hope to thrash out an agreement by next week .

    双方都希望下周能通过 商谈达成协议。

  • The banks met last week in an effort to thrash out the terms of that voluntary plan .

    上周,各银行曾举行会议,以求通过 讨论 敲定这一自愿 重组计划的条款。

  • Never mind the side issues let 's get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement .

    别管 枝节问题,让我们 讨论问题的实质,以 求得基本一致。

  • By the time an FDA advisory panel met this week to thrash out whether Avandia should be withdrawn or its use limited ( it was due to vote yesterday afternoon ) Congress had made up its own mind .

    FDA顾问团上周召开会议,决定 是否应该将文 迪雅撤市或限制其使用(已于 14日下午做出裁决)。国会在会前就已拿定了主意。

  • Let there be a great debate to thrash out the question of line .

    来它一个大辩论,把路线问题 清楚

  • Both China and Germany are part of the six - nation group that is trying to thrash out a nuclear deal with Iran . Merkel has been a key figure in trying to reduce tensions in Ukraine and get Russia to cooperate .

    中德都是 六国会谈 终止伊朗核问题的参与者,默克尔也是试图缓解乌克兰紧张局势以及与俄罗斯进行合作的主要人物。

  • So people begin to thrash out the way of traffic crowding and jamming now fremdness have developed intelligent system which measure the flux of vehicle to implement traffic command .

    于是人们开始 研究 解决交通拥挤、堵塞 问题的方法,现在国外已发展了通过监测车流量来实现交通指挥的智能系统。

  • I 'm afraid you 'll have to thrash out that question among yourselves . The shape of a liquid globule in a free-falling elevator is calculated .

    我看那个问题还得 你们自己 讨论 解决。定量讨论了自由降落升降机中实际液滴的形状。

  • Davos next week and the G7 meeting thereafter will be good venues to thrash all this out .

    下周的达沃斯论坛及之后的G7会议将是 商讨这些问题的好场所。

  • I suggest every province should also convene an all-province conference of cadres from three or four levels with some from the co-operatives to thrash out problems .

    我建议各省也开一次全省性的三级或者四级干部会议,掺一部分合作社的干部, 问题 清楚

  • We 'll thrash this out after dinner .

    晚饭后,我们将 详细 讨论

  • If John won 't tell we shall have to thrash the truth out of him .

    如果约翰不肯说,我们只得 那里 出真相。

  • The meeting lasted until well into the night as the two sides tried to thrash out their differences once and for all .

    会议持续到很晚,因为双方都想 彻底 探讨 彼此的差异以便 解决 问题

  • Marseille hope to thrash out a deal to keep Djibril Cisse on loan from Liverpool from another year .

    法甲球会马赛希望能够与利物浦谈判以将法国前锋 西塞 续租一个赛季。

  • Thrash out a detailed information disclosure system act on it strictly and focus on the management of investor relationship .


  • Teachers should encourage their students to come up with contradictory opinions at academic discussions to thrash out problems for themselves and to draw conclusions of their own .

    教师应鼓励学生 大胆在学术讨论中提出不同意见,自己 研究 解决问题并得出自己的结论。

  • The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula

    外交部长们经过反复讨论,已经 制订 合适的折中方案。

  • If we always make pilot studies on specific problems taking several years to resolve just a few of them progress will be too slow . As we move from theory to practice in this regard we will have to thrash out a great many specific problems .

    老是在一些具体问题上试点,几年解决不了几个问题,这就太慢了。这个问题从理论到实践,有 好多具体问题要研究 解决

  • Hordes of environmental activists mingled with heads of state at the Copenhagen conference on climate change at which governments tried to thrash out agreements to reduce emissions .

    一大群环保人士与各国政要聚集哥本哈根气候峰会,各国试图 协商 达成协议,以减少温室气体排放。

  • The study of innovatory polyurethane rigid foam filled with nano-particles gradually become the focus in the realm of modified plastic because the problem of relatively low intensity and compression strength resulted from agglomeration of reinforcing phase urgently desire to be thrash out .

    研究革新性的纳米粒子填充聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料逐渐成为塑料改性领域的热点,因为增强相的团聚所造成的聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料相对低的拉伸和压缩强度,已成为一个 急待 解决的题。

  • In this dissertation the kernel issue will mainly deal with and thrash out the application of study tactic in the process of sports skills learning .

    本研究要解决的主要问题是学习策略在运动技能学习过程中的应用性。 研究 递进的三个 主题 构成

  • During difficult moments in recent negotiations on North Korea 's nuclear programme China 's chief negotiator Wu Dawei sometimes slipped away to thrash out problems over a round of golf with his South Korean counterpart . Such out-of-work encounters should come as no surprise .

    在最近朝核问题谈判的艰难时刻,中国首席谈判代表武 大伟有时会绕开僵局,和韩国谈判代表在高尔夫 球场研究 解决问题。这种工作之外的会面不会令人感到惊讶。

  • How foreign fund-managers will be compensated has yet to be thrashed out .
