this and that

[ðɪs ənd ðæt][ðis ænd ðæt]


  • Larry and Andy had drifted from place to place worked at this and that .

    拉里和安迪从一处漂泊到另一处,干点 这个 干点 那个

  • Remind them that others have had this problem and that they already have found a way through it .

    告诉他们别人也有 这样的问题 他们也已经熬过来了。

  • Certainly no all-round knowledge can be acquired merely by glancing this way and that and relying on hearsay .

    东张西望 道听途说,绝然得不到什么完全的知识。

  • He held a brush in his hand and with all his airy superiority gone he brushed potter 's new clothes as the latter slowly turned this way and that way .

    他手里拿着一把刷子,原先那傲慢的神气全不见了;他替波特刷身上的新衣,波特则缓缓 时左时右地转动 身子。

  • ' And what are you doing now ? ' — ' Oh this and that . '

    你现在在做什么呢?”——“哦 瞎忙。”

  • In this column and the contributions that will follow from us we will explore the potential of leveraged growth and what is required to make it a significant contributor to shareholder value .

    篇专栏 以及我们接下来的文章里,我们将探索杠杆型增长的潜力,以及杠杆型增长如何才能为股东带来重大价值。

  • On the occasion of the latest Roomba release we take look back at this curious company and the product that put it on the map .

    值此最新版Roomba推出之际,请随我们一道,从头回顾下iRobot 家不寻常的公司 以及 它名声大噪的产品。

  • How many have been killed in this quake and the tsunami that followed ?

    在3月11日 场大地震 随后的海啸中 到底有多少人丧生?

  • We have had to agree on a certain set of rules called etiquette and politeness to make this frequent meeting tolerable and that we need not come to open war .

    为此我们要循规蹈矩,称其为懂礼仪,讲礼貌,以便在 这些频繁的接触中相安无事 无须论战而有辱斯文。

  • She glanced this way and that and looked very anxious .

    东张西望 看上去很焦急。

  • But Steve Ross a primatologist at Lincoln Park Zoo wanted to explore this behaviour further and found that there were no data on sequential learning in gorillas .

    但是史蒂夫•罗斯(林肯动物园的灵长类动物学家)想进一步研究 这种行为 发现有关大猩猩排序能力学习的研究数据还没有。

  • The recently signed power-sharing deal underscores this and also adds that land acquisition and redistribution is irreversible .

    最近签署的权力分享协议强调了 一点, 而且获取土地和重新分配是不可逆转的。

  • China has natural gas supplies that can be tapped by fracking but the country needs to develop the technology and know-how to tap into this fuel & and that is years off .

    中国也拥有充沛的天然气资源,但中国目前并不具备开采 这种燃料的技术&应用水力压裂法很可能是若干年之后的事情了。

  • That is the qualities you gained from this piece of land and that is the essence cultivated by the people of South China Normal University .

    是的,这 就是华师水土哺育出来的气质 就是华师师生培育出来的精神。

  • Then she went this way and that way getting flowers for her Grandmother .

    于是,她边走边摘花 这边摘摘 那边摘摘,准备送给外婆。

  • This comrade speaks English and that very well .

    这位同志会讲英语, 而且讲得很好。

  • Well then will you put this and that into doggie bags ?

    嗯,那么你能把 这个 那个打个包吗?

  • All of this requires power and that power is most efficiently produced by coal and by oil .

    所有 这些都需要电, 发电的最有效方式是通过煤炭或石油。

  • Obviously we think that tax cuts were the right way to help our economy get out of the recession that this president inherited and we know that tax cuts can spur innovation .

    显然我们认为减少税收是正确的方式,它能帮助我们摆脱经济衰退 我们 知道减税能够刺激创新。

  • My parents encouraged this and I 'm grateful that they did .

    自己地怙恃 对此很鼓舞撑持 自己也很感谢他们 如许做。

  • The chick has learnt a lesson from this case and found that the emotion between she and the boy who is she first loved can keep alive in another way .

    她突然 发现 她和男孩之间的感情 其实也可以换为另一种方式进行交往。

  • Some of you may find this advise unorthodox and that is your opinion .

    有些人会认为 的建议不够正统 各有各的看法嘛。

  • He has to just ride this out and hope that it turns in his favor .

    他必须经受住 此次危机, 并且 希望结果会对他有利。

  • And everyone invested in organic food and this and that .

    而大家 当时都在投资有机食品之类的产业。

  • Intel yesterday forecast slowing growth for the personal computer industry this year and reported that several million of its microprocessors had piled up at its customers over the past two quarters .

    英特尔(Intel)昨日预测个人电脑业 今年的增长将有所放缓 同时透露 在过去的两个季度内,已经有数百万块英特尔微处理器积压在客户那里。

  • But should fear of either of these things have prevented Netflix from taking this step and ensuring that their streaming service has every possible advantage going forward ?

    可是 类后果的恐惧是否应该使Netflix放弃这一决定,不采取措施 保证流媒体业务今后拥有尽可能多的优势呢?