zinc yellow

[zɪŋk ˈjɛlo][ziŋk ˈjeləu]


  • Anti-corrosion property of pigment in studied condition was as follows : organic inhibitor or barium phosphate or zinc oxide > red lead > zinc yellow or zinc phosphate .

    在所研究的体系中,防锈颜料的耐蚀性为有机缓蚀剂、磷酸钡、氧化锌>红丹> 、磷酸锌。

  • The Extractable Copper and Zinc in Sediment in Yellow River Estuary


  • Phosphorus content in zinc phosphate is determined by phosphorus vanadium molybdate yellow colorimetric method .

    采用磷钒钼 比色法测定磷酸 中磷含量。

  • Brass with zinc main add elements of copper alloy with beautiful yellow collectively brass .

    黄铜以 作主要添加元素的铜合金,具有美观的 黄色,统称黄铜。

  • EIS Study of Zinc Yellow Epoxy Ester Primer for Aluminum Alloy


  • Electrochemical Impedance Study of Zinc Yellow Expoxy Ester Primer on Aluminum Alloy in Aircraft

    飞机铝合金 环氧酯底漆的电化学阻抗研究

  • The distribution feature is that in calico purple soil rice and corn are short of zinc in acid arenaceous soil wheat is short of molybdenum in gravel yellow soil cole and orange are short of boron in gles tide soil wheat is short of manganese .

    分布特征是钙质紫色土水稻、玉米 缺锌,酸性砂质土小麦缺钼,砾质 黄壤油菜、柑桔缺硼,潜育化潮土小麦缺锰。

  • The resistance to corrosion of an epoxy coating containing the pigment of zinc chrome yellow was studied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) .

    利用电化学阻抗谱(EIS)技术研究了含有 铬黄防锈颜料的环氧酯漆涂层的耐蚀性能。

  • Effects of interaction between nitrogen and zinc on forms of zinc in yellow - brown soil collected from a pasture in southern China were studied under pot - culture conditions .

    选用南方牧场土壤,在 盆栽条件下,研究了氮锌交互作用对土壤中 形态和生物有效性的影响。

  • Effects of Elevated Dietary Copper Levels on Growth Performance and Copper Iron Zinc Concentration in Vivo of Grass Carp Common Carp and Yellow Catfish ;

    饲料高水平铜对草鱼、鲤和 颡鱼生长和体内铜铁 影响身上长有闪光的大鱼磷的驯养鲤鱼。

  • Secondly on the basis of the enviromental considers these green bismuth pigments were presented to substitute for some toxic inorganic pigments containing chromium lead cadmium and so on like chrome yellow zinc yellow and lead red .

    基于环保因素的考虑,以无公害、无污染、性能优良的Bi-V-O系颜料可在红、黄相领域取代有毒的含铅、铬、镉等元素的无机颜料,如 、红丹等。

  • Effects of Interaction between Nitrogen and Zinc on Forms of Zinc in Yellow - Brown Soil

    氮锌交互作用对 棕壤 形态的影响

  • Surface processing : Plate the zinc ( blue zinc yellow zinc and plate the zinc up the wax ) and plate the Ni point phosphate to turn black .

    表面处理:镀锌(蓝 锌及镀锌上蜡)、镀镍、磷化黑。

  • The order of available zinc content in soil for different types was duck feces mud > yellow mud field > yellow ash soil > yellow soil .

    不同土壤类型有效 含量的变化规律是:鸭屎泥> 黄泥田>黄灰土>黄壤土。

  • Gallium recovery technology used to recover gallium from recycle solution in Bayer process zinc leach residue coal fly ash and fly ash in the production of yellow phosphorus ( treater dust ) and its recent progress are discussed .

    讨论了从拜耳法炼铝循环液、 浸出渣、煤燃烧烟尘和 黄磷电炉烟尘中提取镓的技术及其进展。

  • Status of Soil Zinc and Effect of Zinc Fertilizer Application in Rice-Growing Area of Yellow River Basin in Henan Province

    河南省沿 稻区土壤锌素状况及施 效果