


  • Small genus of tropical American annual herbs : creeping zinnia .


  • That the patience of the seed radicle of the strongest lead is patula and zinnia flowers the weakest is Rudbeckia hirta .

    说明种子幼根对Pb的耐性最强的花卉是孔雀草和 百日草,最弱的是黑心菊。

  • To improve survival rate and cultivation cost of herbaceous flowers a comparative study of planting Tagetes erecta Dahlia pinnata Zinnia elegans and Coleus blumei are carried out in nursery big shallow flowerpots and 72 × 24 hole flowerpots with different combination of the base materials .

    为提高草本花卉的育苗成活率,降低育苗成本,对万寿菊、大丽花、 百日草、彩叶草等植物采用不同基质配比,以圃地、浅底大盆和72×24穴盆方式进行播种对比研究。

  • Seed germination test results show that the tested plants flowers on lead tolerance Iris seed is the strongest followed by zinnia seeds and seeds of Mirabilis patience is the worst seeds Rudbeckia hirta .

    种子萌发试验分析结果显示,供试花卉植物中对Pb胁迫的耐性最强的是马蔺种子,其次是 百日草种子和紫茉莉种子,耐性最差的是黑心菊种子。

  • The wild zinnia a nondescript small flower was first found growing in Mexico in1519 and introduced to European and American gardens .

    野生 着难以形容的小花,最早发现于1519年的墨西哥并被引入欧洲和美国的花园里。

  • Evalution of Zinnia creeping in Qingdao & A turf type wild flower species introduced from USA

    美国草地型野生花卉& 纳花 引种 栽培研究

  • Compared with the control patula and zinnia root length decreased by 66.2 % 55.1 % down 85.2 % Rudbeckia hirta .

    与对照相比,孔雀草和 草的根长分别下降了66.2%、55.1%,黑心菊下降了85.2%。

  • The Catalytic Features of Peroxidase During Tracheary Element Differentiation of Isolated Zinnia Mesophyll Cells

    百日草 游离叶肉细胞导管分子分化过程中过氧化物酶的催化特性

  • Tissue cultivation and establishment of asexual line of Zinnia linearis

    细叶 百日草变异植株的组织培养及无性系建立

  • The morphological biological characters and cultivating management techniques of Zinnia creeping introduced from USA in 1994 were evaluated in Qingdao China .

    对1994年引进的美国 草地 野生 花卉 纳花的形态特征、生物学特征和特性、栽培管理技术等进行了研究。

  • Effects of photosynthetic bacterium on plant growth and nutrition of rhizosphere in Zinnia

    光合细菌对 百日草生长及根际营养的影响

  • Pb stress on seedling growth after germination studies confirm the tolerance of plant roots on the ability of lead of four to Iris Camellia impatiens zinnia and maidenhair the strength of the order of Iris Camellia impatiens Zinnia maidenhair . 5 .

    Pb胁迫对萌发后幼苗生长影响研究进一步证实植物根系对Pb的耐受能力较强的四种为马蔺、茶花凤仙、 百日草和孔雀草,强弱顺序为马蔺茶花凤仙百日草孔雀草。