zip fastener

[zɪp ˈfæsnɚ][zip ˈfɑ:sənə]


  • Insert slider at the start of the rear window zip fastener .

    在后窗 拉链的开始端插入滑块。

  • Please help me to zip my dress on the fastener 's at the back and I can 't reach .

    请帮我 上衣服的 拉链拉链在背后,我够不着。

  • Under the guidance of the white line inner the metal zip fastener and the indicative paint external the products the products can be shrunk well .

    金属 内侧 白线和产品表面的温度指示漆可指导加热收缩恰到好处;

  • Close the zip fastener up to the wire strands .

    拉链 一直 到钢丝索。