


  • Thou art with Christ and Christ with me ;


  • But he will not greet thee to-day ; nor must thou greet him .

    但是他今天不会招呼你; 也不该招呼他。

  • Thou art not my child !


  • And I said unto him Sir thou knowest .

    我对他说,我主, 知道。

  • You do not address me as thou ?


  • And he saith unto him Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee thou wicked servant .

    主人对他说, 这恶仆,我要凭你的口,定你的罪。

  • Which is being interpreted My God my God why hast thou forsaken me ?

    翻出来,就是,我的神,我的神,为什么 离弃我。

  • The eighth commandment is ' Thou shalt not steal ' .

    第八诫是“ 可偷盗”。

  • Thou hast left death for my companion and I shall crown him with my life .


  • All they shall speak and say unto thee Art thou also become weak as we ?

    他们都要发言对你说, 也变为软弱,像我们一样吗。

  • Now thou art my mother indeed !

    现在 真是我妈妈了!

  • It is I ! I have the same heart as thou !

    是我!我的心和 的心完全一样!

  • Thou shalt not kill .


  • Methinks thou art too late !

    我认为 来得太迟了!

  • The LORD hath said unto me thou art my son ; this day have I begotten thee .

    神主曾对我说, 是我的儿子,我今日生你。

  • And they said unto her Thou art mad .

    他们说, 是疯了。

  • Thou wilt have twice as much love henceforward as thy mother alone could give thee !


  • And Jesus said unto him Why callest thou me good ?

    耶稣对他说, 为什么称我是 良善的。

  • Thou art much better off with him than with me .


  • The Pharisees therefore said unto him Thou bearest record of thyself ; thy record is not true .

    法利赛人对他说, 是为自己作见证。你的见证不真。

  • All thy commandments are faithful : they persecute me wrongfully ; help thou me .

    你的命令尽都诚实。他们无理地逼迫我,求 帮助我。

  • Thou hast taken me as thy partner of all this wealth .


  • Thou hast borne thy lewdness and thine abominations saith the LORD .

    耶和华说, 贪淫和可憎的事, 已经担当了。

  • I have glorified thee on the earth : I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do .

    我在地上已经荣耀你, 所托付我的事,我已成全了。

  • Father I know thou art aware of me at all times .

    父亲,我知道 无时无刻不在关心着我。

  • Thou and thine Hester Prynne belong to me .


  • And the angel said unto her Fear not Mary : for thou hast found favour with God .

    天使对他说, 马利亚不要怕。 在神面前已经蒙恩了。

  • Thou art but on Christ 's other side !
