threshold energy

[ˈθrɛʃˌold ˈɛnədʒi][ˈθreʃhəuld ˈenədʒi]


  • In this paper the scattering of incident electrons generation mechanisms of secondary electrons and the threshold energy effect of escaped low energy electrons are reviewed .

    本文综述入射电子在样品中的散射、二次电子的产生机制和低能电子逸出的 能量 阈值效应。

  • The threshold energy limiting efficiency and efficiency of stored chemical energy in the system of solar hydrogen photoproduction by water splitting was described .

    对太阳能光催化分解水制氢体系的 阈值 、太阳能转换效率以及太阳能转化成可储存的化学能效率进行了阐述;

  • The uncertainties of transition form factors mainly come from the two free parameters i.e. the D meson threshold energy s0 and the Borel transformation parameter T which are about 5 % - 30 % .

    跃迁形状因子的误差主要来源于两个自由参数,即K1介子 阈值 能量s0和Borel变换参数T,大约5%-30%。

  • Symmetry energy and isospin effects of threshold energy of radial flow in heavy ion collisions

    核物质对称能和重离子碰撞中径向流 的同位旋效应

  • And further discussions on the threshold energy and crack free strategies of laser lift off process have also been presented .

    并进一步讨论了激光剥离的 阈值 能量 密度和避免GaN膜破裂的几种方法。

  • When the incident energy is higher than the threshold energy however the sputtering yield increases with the increase of the incident energy .

    当入射原子的 能量大于溅射 阈值时,溅射产额随入射原子能量的增加而线性增大;

  • Considering the energy consumption asymmetric of node we set threshold energy to balance the energy consumption and prolong the life-time of network .

    考虑到网络中节点能量消耗不均,设置了 能量 门限 ,均衡网络能量消耗,有效地延长了网络的生命周期。

  • The digital discrimination self-tracing and self-adjusting of threshold energy and two-peak and two-window techniques are used to increase the measuring accuracy and testing speed .

    为了提高测量精度和检查速度,采用了计算机数字卡阈、 的自动跟踪和自动校正及双峰双窗技术。

  • Middle school students can calculate threshold energy in this way .

    中学生可以利用这种方法计算 反应 问题。

  • On the position of near two times of threshold energy the SRO conversion efficiency is 17.5 % .

    泵浦 能量约2倍 阈值处,单谐振 能量转换效率约为17.5%。

  • Up to 50 % slop efficiency and down to 2 mJ threshold energy were obtained .

    在透射率15%的平面平行腔情况下,斜率效率为50%, 阈值2mJ

  • Measurement of Threshold Energy of Electron-stimulated Desorption by Pulse-modulated Electron Beam

    利用脉冲调制电子探束测量电子诱导脱附 阈值 能量

  • Two free parameters s0 T are involved in the calculations so is related to the threshold energy of D meson and T is the Borel transformation parameter .

    计算中涉及两个自由参数,S0和T。s0和D介子 阈值 能量有关,T为Borel变换参数。

  • The measurement principle of threshold energy of electron-stimulated desorption using pulse-modulated electron beams is introduced and the experiments together with the results are given .

    本文介绍了利用脉冲调制电子探束测量电子诱导脱附 阈值 能量方法的原理,同时给出了利用该方法进行电子诱导脱附 阈值 能量测量的实验及测量结果。

  • The background subtraction Fourier filtering and the choice of the threshold energy were discussed .

    包括背景扣除、富里叶滤波、 能量 阈值的选取、以及结构 参数 确定等问题。

  • A set of high grade pulse threshold energy guarantee dedusting equipment long-term stability movement and big reduced maintenance overhaul work load .

    一套高质量的脉冲 保证除尘设备长期稳定运行,并大大的减少维护、检修工作量。

  • The results show that it is a backward-scattering reaction with no threshold energy . But there exists a tiny activation energy of 0.22kcal/mole . About 42 % of the energy release is translation 38 % vibration and 20 % rotation .

    计算结果表明,它是一个无 的向后散射的碰撞反应,但具有0.22kcal/mol的小活化能,并且产物能量主要分配在平动能和振动能。

  • In nuclear physics threshold energy is generally calculated by the method of coordinate transformation .

    在核物理学里,求 一般用坐标变换的方法。

  • The medium effects on the △ N → NN cross section is investigated and it is found that the effective cross sation is suppressed in the medium near the threshold energy .

    研究了核内△N→NN散射截面的介质效应,发现 附近的△吸收截面在介质中被压低。

  • It shows that the bubble detectors have a threshold energy ~ 100 keV . The detection efficiency increases steeply to three order of magnitude at the threshold .

    结果表明:该探测器对快中子的探测 约为100keV, 处中子探测效率急剧上升约3个数量级,阈 以上效率曲线基本平坦,中子探测效率约为15×10-4。

  • Effects of pulsed laser parameters such as laser wavelength beam spot size pulse energy and pulse duration on threshold energy in laser simulating Single Event Effect testing are analyzed .

    分析了在激光模拟单粒子效应试验中激光波长、束斑大小、脉冲能量、脉冲宽度等脉冲激光参数对 阈值 能量的影响。

  • The order of reac-tion tate constant and threshold energy have been measured .

    测得了其解离反应级数、速率常数和解离 能量 阈值

  • Threshold energy of the initial state and maximum energy of the final state in particle reactions

    粒子反应中初态粒子的 和末态粒子的最大能量问题

  • A Discussion on the Threshold Energy of Nuclear Reaction

    对核反应 的讨论