threaded hole


  • Study on die forging forming of adjusting threaded bush forgings with thin wall deep cavity & big abnormal hole

    带薄壁、深腔、异形大 锻件的 模锻技术研究

  • The interlocking intramedullary nails of femur tibia humerus and so on all can be provided with a distal positioning threaded hole .

    股骨、胫骨、肱骨等交锁髓内钉均可设置远端定位 螺孔

  • Measuring Included Angle of Bolted Sphere 's Threaded Hole : a Study by the Three-dimension Method

    螺栓球 螺栓 夹角三坐标检测方法研究

  • The Machining of Large Diameter Threaded Hole in the Parts of Hydraulic Turbine

    水轮机中的大 螺孔加工

  • If a threaded hole in the suspension cradle needs to be repaired only use the type of thread insert and installation procedure specified for this application .

    如果悬吊架有 螺纹 需要修复,仅限使用专用的螺纹套座以及特别安装程序。

  • The method Posseses an advantage to prevent large diameter threaded hole pestled .

    提出了防止大 螺孔研坏的方法。

  • Plan view of threaded hole .

    螺纹 的平面图。

  • The interlocking intramedullary nail with distal positioning threaded hole is applicable for the internal fixation treatment of the femur tibia and humerus fractures .

    带远端定位 螺孔的交锁髓内钉适用于股骨、胫骨及肱骨骨折的内固定治疗。

  • A threaded screw for machine parts ; screws into a tapped hole .

    一种适用于机器部件的 螺纹螺丝;可以 塞孔的螺丝。

  • A threaded fastener used either with a nut or with a tapped hole ; slotted head can be driven by a screwdriver .

    一种或有螺帽或有 塞孔 螺纹扣件;其开槽头可以由螺丝起子钉入。

  • The metal clamp is fixed on the bus bar through a bolt B passing through the threaded hole .

    金属夹通过 穿过 螺纹 的螺栓B固定在母排上。

  • The Squeeze Technology of Making Threaded Hole for Connecting Rod Bolt

    连杆螺栓 螺纹挤压工艺

  • A simple machine of the inclined-plane type consisting of a spirally threaded cylindrical rod that engages with a similarly threaded hole .

    具有螺旋形线状汽缸棒的啮合相似的 螺纹 的斜面型简单机械。

  • The traditional design concept of bolt assemblage is broken and the screw the threaded hole the gasket the boss ( or the dimpling ) are regarded as a whole .

    打破传统螺钉联接设计思想,把螺钉、 螺纹 、垫片、凸台(或者沉头孔)看成一个整体,进行整体设计。