throat angle

[θrot ˈæŋɡəl][θrəut ˈæŋɡl]


  • Usually the food consumed is small because the fish 's throat is small and makes a right angle to its stomach .

    通常情况下,食物消耗较小,因为这种鱼的 食管较细,且向右 倾斜 连接到胃中。

  • When the throat width and area ratio are given the best divergence angle is 22 ° .

    喉部尺寸和扩张比一定时,扩张 为22度的 喷管 推进性能最佳。

  • For fluidic throat skewing smaller flap injector angles would result in larger vector angle without thrust loss ;

    对于 倾斜矢量控制方案,在扩张片上以与主流成某一角度的方向注入气流产生的矢量 最大且没有带来较大的推力损失;

  • It is shown further by examples that the mass ratio of rocket motor Can be increased and the propellant weight for cut-out can be decreased by selecting a bigger no-dimensional throat area and a smaller angle whenever possible .

    通过例题进一步说明,在可能范围内选取较大的反喷管相对 面和较小的 倾角,可以提高发动机的质量比和节省推进剂。

  • In this paper the Mach number control system in NF-6 wind tunnel is introduced especially in detail for the compressor rotary speed control sub-system the compressor stator vane control sub-system and the second throat control sub-system . angle .

    笔者介绍了NF6风洞马赫数控制系统的组成、特点及运行方式,对转速控制子系统、压缩机静叶 控制子系统、二 栅指控制子系统等进行了较为详细的介绍。

  • The effeets of the throat area ratio and divergent angle on the performance of the two-dimensional type turbulence generator are given .

    本文给出了二元紊流发生器的 面积比和扩张 对其性能的影响,并建立 调节规律以指导实验者在台架上的操作。

  • The paper discusses influence of the non-dimensional throat area of the reversal nozzle for thrust termination and the angle included between the axes of reversal nozzle and rocket motor on the propellant weight for cutout .

    本文讨论反喷管相对 面、反喷管轴线 倾角对关车药量的影响以及关车药量的计算方法。

  • Experimental study for such was carried out on established test rig with flat converging and converging diverging nozzles of different throat diameter shape and diverging angle .

    为使流经缩放形喷管的低温热水得到充分膨胀和加速,在此对缩放形喷管的 喉部及扩张段进行实验对比分析。