Through the Internet students can acquire a great deal of knowledge which / that is useful and thought-provoking .
35通过互联网,学生可以学到很多有用和 启发 性的知识。
The actress Katherine Hepburn 's thoughts on the matter are certainly thought-provoking .
毫无疑问,女演员凯瑟琳·赫本在这个问题上的想法是 发人深省的。
This is an entertaining yet thought-provoking film .
这部电影令人捧腹,却又 发人深省。
This challenging book is one of the most thought-provoking that I 've ever read .
这本 有趣( 或具有挑战性)的书是我读过的最 发人深省的书。
This photo does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon which is not uncommon in China now .
图片反映了一个 引 人 深思的社会现象,这个现象在今天的中国很普遍。
What is conveyed in the drawing is most thought-provoking and should arouse our social concern .
图画中所反映的问题极其 发人深思并且应当引起我们社会的关注。
In addition the school also offers a variety of interesting thought-provoking richly colorful elective courses .
此外学校还开设了集 知识 性、趣味性于 一体的丰富多彩的选修课。
By asking thought-provoking questions you can not only collect valuable information but also distinguish yourself from the pack .
通过问一些 引发 思考的问题,你不仅可以收集有价值的信息,还能让你脱颖而出。
She provides breadth depth and many thought-provoking questions that will engage you in lively debate and reflection on where you stand regarding many of the issues in the headlines today .
她提供了宽大、深奥,和许多 发人深省的问题,这些问题可以令您参与生动的讨论以及对当今许多热门的问题的反思。
But I do . it 's more thought-provoking .
可我爱看,这种电影更 发人深省。
These are thought-provoking questions .
这些问题 可以 诱导 大家 去 思考。
But Ms Raskin points out three thought-provoking parallels and investors and economists should take note .
但拉斯金指出了3个 发人深省的相似之处,投资者和经济学家应注意。
The remarks are meaningful and thought-provoking .
语 颇隽永, 耐人寻味。
I found this story thought-provoking .
我发现这个故事 发人深省。
Simple as the pictures are they do demonstrate certain thought-provoking social phenomenon .
这些图虽然简单,但是却确实表明了一个 发人深思的社会现象。
This book is not only informative but it is thought-provoking and entertaining too .
这本书不仅信息量大,而且有 启发 性和趣味性。
Effective teaching is not to give right answers but to put forward questions that are thought-provoking .
有效的教学并非在于给出正确的答案,而在于提出 引 人 深思的问题。
Nevertheless the numbers are thought-provoking even in hard-nosed cynical New York .
不过,即使是在以精明和不轻信著称的纽约,网络欺诈数量之多也 引 人 深思。
It is a thought-provoking image and it feels particularly pertinent to New York right now .
那 张图片 发人深省,特别的是 能让 人立即 联想到最近的纽约。
This is a moving delicately performed thought-provoking film .
这是一部感人肺腑,表演细腻, 发人深省的电影。
Three years ago John Taft a senior Canadian banker wrote a thought-provoking book about finance .
三年前,加拿大资深银行家约翰•塔夫脱(JohnTaft)写了一本关于金融的 发人深省的著作。
It is a very thought-provoking cartoon in which numerous people are crowding on earth .
在这幅 发人深思的图中我们 可以 看到地球上面簇拥着无数的人。
The brothers believed that Chinese animation should be instructive logical and thought-provoking besides being entertaining to its audience .
兄弟俩认为,中国动画除了能够娱乐观众以外,还应当具有启发性、逻辑性和 发人深省。
He 's got a great personality and a thought-provoking facial expression .
他有一个伟大的人格和 发人深省的面部表情。
This drawing reflects a thought-provoking social phenomenon which is quite common in China now .
这幅图片反映了一个当今中国非常普遍、 而且 值得 我们 大家 深思的社会现象。
The experience of 1930s Japan is thought-provoking .
上世纪30年代日本的经历 发人深省。
I think you have matured more love letters written out of it is self-reflection thought-provoking .
我认为你已经成熟多了,初恋的信,写出来却是自我的反省, 令人 深思。
Through the years and in several exhibitions their works emerged as the creative assessment of thought-provoking artistic minds .
这些年来,以及经过数个展览,他们的作品成为了 发人深省的艺术想法的创造性评估。
The picture is thought-provoking and what it illustrates is a common phenomenon in our society today .
这幅画是 发人深省的,它所说明的是我们今天社会普遍存在的一种现象。