




  • A well-designed service-oriented business tier helps you compose processes and composite applications from loosely coupled services .

    经过良好设计的面向服务的业务 可以帮助您将松散耦合的服务组成过程和复合应用程序。

  • The User Interface layer runs in the web tier .

    用户界面层在Web 中运行。

  • There should not be any affinity between the web tier application tier and the database tier .

    Web ,应用层和数据库层之间不应该有任何交叉。

  • Each tier defines a logical group of software modules that can be mapped to a physical piece of hardware .

    每个逻辑 都定义了一组软件模块,它们可以映射到硬件的物理部分。

  • Then you design the application including the integration between the presentation tier and the content services tier .

    然后您设计包含呈现 和内容服务层之间的集成的应用程序。

  • - tier application with all business and data separated from the presentation layer .


  • For these tests the WebSphere tier was virtualized but the application database remained on physical hardware .

    在这些测试中,对WebSphere 进行了虚拟化,而应用程序数据库则使用了物理硬件。

  • Combining this UI power with a service-oriented business tier offers you an even greater degree of flexibility .

    将此UI功能与面向服务的业务 结合使用还将为您提供更大的灵活度。

  • You can apply it to one tier in an architecture and to multiple tiers across the enterprise architecture .

    你可以在架构中的一 上应用它,也可以在贯穿企业架构的多个层上来应用它。

  • Combining this power with a loosely coupled service-oriented business tier gives you even more flexibility and power .

    结合使用此力量与松散耦合的面向服务的业务 还将给您提供更多灵活性和功能。

  • Duplicate website tier price customer group and quantity .

    复制 网站价格客户组和数量。

  • Areas of concern for this tier include authentication and confidentiality services .

    这一 涉及认证和机密性服务领域。

  • A straightforward implementation would divide this into three virtual machines one for each tier .

    简单的实现方法是把这个应用程序分为三个虚拟机,每 一个。

  • A simple three-tier architecture will have a presentation tier a business tier and and persistence tier .

    简单的三层体系结构将包括表示 、业务层和持久层。

  • The tool offers support for both Seam and Spring in the middle tier .

    在中间 ,该工具对Seam和Spring都提供了支持。

  • I have a Web tier which includes my Apache instances .

    我建立了一个Web ,其中包括一些Apache实例。

  • This is because the application server which is the resource tier that ARFM manages is not overloaded .

    这是因为应用服务器(即ARFM管理的资源 )并没有过载。

  • Each tier reflects a common set of capabilities and nonfunctional requirements .

    每一 反映了一组常见的功能和非功能性的需求。

  • You will introduce a reverse proxy server to protect the Web server installed on the application tier .

    您将引入一个反向代理服务器来保护安装在应用 的Web服务器。

  • I like to run each tier in production within its own logical partition .


  • Tier one capital includes equity and retained earnings but also various types of hybrid debt instruments .

    除了股本和留存收益,一 资本还包括各种混合债务工具。

  • SOA Service Provider ( SOA-SP ) & At this tier code implements the services .

    SOA服务提供程序(SOAServiceProvider,SOA-SP)&该 的代码实现服务。

  • The next article in this series focuses on the Web tier .

    这个系列的下一篇文章将重点放在Web 上。

  • Tier directly represents a tier in a multi-tier application .


  • The only differences are the nature of the client and the presentation layer of the middle tier .

    惟一的不同点在于客户端的本质和中间 的表示层。

  • Average tier one capital adequacy is 9.5 or higher than counterparts in Spain Germany and Italy .

    平均一 资本充足率为9.5%,高于西班牙、德国和意大利的同行。

  • I don 't understand why you think we need yet another tier of management .


  • Can we move common data to a separate cache or tier ?


  • The controller nodes include IBM System Storage Easy Tier storage management system software .

    控制器节点包括IBMSystemStorageEasy Tier存储管理系统软件。

  • Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island .

    岛上居民发起一场运动,要求废除岛上三 市政管理 中的一