throw off

[θro ɔf][θrəu ɔf]


  • They began to aspire to throw off monarchical tutelage .

    他们开始渴望 摆脱君主政体的监护。

  • They went by a different route to throw off the hostile Indians off their track .

    他们走另外一条路以 迷惑 心怀敌意的印第安人。

  • They 're just trying to throw off the interrogator 's rhythm .

    他们试图 打乱审讯者的节奏。

  • They couldn 't throw off their pursuers .

    他们没法 甩掉追踪者。

  • He can throw off a sketch of it .

    他能 马上 它速写 下来

  • I 'm unable to throw off this feeling of inertia .

    我无法 摆脱这种懒散的感觉。

  • If only he could throw off his airs !

    但愿他能够 放下架子!

  • I got time to throw off my disguise and dress me in my own clothes .

    我有时间 我的假装,穿上我自己的衣服。

  • He wanted very much to get a new suit and throw off his old clothes .

    他很想买一套新衣服,好 赶快 脱掉他的旧衣服。

  • The visitor has to throw off the swarm of guides and hotel touts who cluster round the station entrance .

    游客不得不 摆脱簇拥在车站入口处的那群向导和替旅馆揽客者的纠缠。

  • He cannot throw off his cold .

    他的 感冒 老是

  • The only way to throw off poverty was through production .

    摆脱 困的唯一办法是发展生产。

  • The star grew 30 % brighter and threw off huge amounts of radiation .

    那颗星的亮度增加了30%并 释放 大量辐射。

  • Won 't that throw off my lateral balance ?

    那不会 降低侧面的平衡吗?

  • There are a few who have managed to throw off the shackles of the past .

    有些人成功地 摆脱 往事的羁绊。

  • I can 't seem to throw off this cold .

    看来我是躲不过这 感冒了。

  • By plunging into the stream and swimming under water he was able to throw off his pursuers .

    他跳入河中潜游,因而能够 甩掉追踪者。

  • He tried to throw police off the track of his lover .

    他努力 警方 无法跟踪他的情人。

  • I often feel my beating heart and bounding pulse counting how many waves my life of river can roll up . I will make my transient life throw off sparks .

    我常常感受我的心跳和脉搏,计算我的生命之河有多少次起伏,要让短暂的生命 迸发出热情的火花。

  • Exposure to blue light can even throw off our circadian rhythm .

    置身在蓝光之中甚至能够 我们 不再遵守昼夜节律。

  • He wonders how he can throw off his lethargic holiday mood .

    他想知道怎样才能 摆脱 无精打采的节日情绪。

  • The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber

    传送带会发出刺耳的噪音并 释放 乌黑的橡胶颗粒。

  • And even if drug companies could find a way to activate brown fat safely that excess activity could throw off other metabolic systems that could damage your health .

    而且,即使制药公司可以找到一种激活棕色脂肪的安全方法,过量的活动会 抛开其他代谢系统,可能会损害你的健康。

  • It 's hard to throw off a bad habit .


  • He is said to have thrown off pursuers by pedaling across the Wisconsin state line

    据说他骑车越过威斯康星州界, 摆脱了追捕他的人。

  • Be careful what remarks you throw off in front of her she 's very sensitive .

    注意在她面前不要 说话,她很敏感。

  • He began to throw off the effects of his illness .

    逃脱 债权人的纠缠他开始 摆脱病魔的纠缠。