


  • Now it 's two on one . who 'd have thunk it ?

    二对一了!谁能 想到

  • I think I heard something after the thunk .

    我认为在 后有点东西。

  • For each reference to a formal parameter in the body of the procedure a call of this thunk appears .

    过程体中每当引用形式参数 调用形 替换程序。

  • I still think what I thunk before .

    我还是 以前想的一样。

  • His lightning punches in a style the ancients called Iron Fist generate their own thunk ! kung fu-movie sound effects .

    他的“铁线拳”快如闪电,出拳时风声作响, 武打片中的配音特效也不过如此。

  • Who 'd have thunk ? She has so many nunlike qualities .

    谁想的 ?她有修女的气质。