



  • He fell to the floor with a thud .

    砰地 倒在地板上。

  • The coffin closed with a dull thud .

    棺材合上时 发出

  • I came back to earth with a thud my brilliant plans crashing around me .


  • Jessica 's heart was thudding against her ribcage .

    杰茜卡的心在胸腔里剧烈 跳动着。

  • Her heart gave a great thud against her chest .

    她的心在 胸膛里猛烈 跳动了一下。

  • Uniess you want to wake up downstairs with a thud .

    除非你想 下来叫醒楼 下人

  • The body turned over and over in space and hit the ground with a dull thud .

    身体在空中翻滚了 下, 沉重 摔到 地面

  • I heard the regular thud thud thud of running shoes behind me .

    我听到身后跑鞋有 节奏 噔噔地响着。

  • He fell forward . Four boys caught him to prevent the thud .

    海盗向前栽倒了。四个孩子 上前揪住他,防止他落地 发出 咕咚 声音

  • He fell on the floor with a thud .

    的一 跌倒在地板上。

  • She tripped and fell with a sickening thud

    她绊了一下,重重地 摔倒在地

  • The dull thud ; thudding bullets ; thumping feet on the carpeted stairs .

    ;砰砰的子弹 ;铺着地毯的楼梯上砰砰的脚步

  • There was a heavy thudding noise against the bedroom door .

    卧室门上发出一 沉重的 撞击

  • She ran up the stairs her bare feet thudding on the wood

    她光着脚 噔噔 跑上木质楼梯。

  • There was a dull thud from the flat above .

    楼上房间 沉闷的 重击

  • I hear a thud but that the plane crashed and burst into flames was made up later by the newspapers ?

    我听到了一 ,但飞机坠机还引发了大火,都是后来报纸编造出来的。

  • From below and out of sight came a heavy thud .

    从下面,视野之外的地方,传来了沉重的 砰然 落地

  • The back of his hand stokes a mustache above his mouth . Shiki leaps up in shock and lands on the carpet with a gentle thud .

    他的手背在嘴上方碰到了一撮小胡子。志贵在震惊中跳了起来,就轻轻 在了地毯上。

  • Anytime you want to land with a thud emotionally just turn on the radio ot TV !

    什么时候你想在情感上 弹回 现实,打开收音机或者电视就好了。

  • I fell off my pink cloud with a thud .

    的一 ,我从我的粉色云端跌落。

  • Much of their study and revision was done to the thud of hammers and pneumatic drills

    他们学习和复习时大多都 锤子和 风钻沉闷的敲击

  • I was making cookies and Iheard the most sickening thud .

    我正在做甜饼,听到了最 懵懂

  • We felt a muted thud Shivam Iyer told the New York Times .

    “我们感到一 ,” ShivamIyer对“纽约时报”记者说。

  • The bundle fell with a thud .

    扑腾 ,包掉下来了。

  • The car hit the child with a sickening thud .

    汽车把那个孩子撞了, 发出 可怕的

  • It slipped out of his hands and fell to the floor with a thud .

    奖章从他的手中滑了出去, 的一 掉在地上。

  • The windscreen wipers thudded back and forth

    挡风玻璃上的雨刮 啪嗒 啪嗒 来回 摆动

  • My heart had started to thud and my mouth was dry

    我的心开始 咚咚 ,嘴里发干。