


  • Studies on Light Energy Transformation of Leaf Thylakoid Membrane of One Cultivar of Ginkgo biloba with Different Cultivation Methods

    不同栽培方式银杏叶片 类囊体膜光能转化特性研究

  • There were not obvious differences on the polypeptide compositions of thylakoid membrane .


  • There were little report on the effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on the chlorophyll-protein complexes on the thylakoid membrane .

    增强UV-B辐射对 类囊体膜上色素蛋白复合体含量的影响还未见报道。

  • Effects of Detergents on the Structure and Function of the Thylakoid Membrane of Spinach

    去污剂对菠菜 类囊体膜结构与功能的影响

  • Electron microscopy of the surface of a thylakoid reveals numerous cobblestone-like structures which have been named quantasomes .


  • Chloroplast ATP synthase is one of the four super membrane-protein complexes in thylakoid membranes of higher plants .

    叶绿体ATP合酶是存在于高等植物 类囊体 上的四大蛋白复合体之一,由镶嵌在膜内的CF0和突出于膜外的CF1组成,是 光合作用 能量转换的关键酶。

  • And most of them do not have thylakoid slice layer and grana .

    且大多没有 类囊体片层及基粒。

  • Effects of Molybdenum Application on Compositions of Thylakoid Membrane in Winter Wheat under Low Temperature Stress

    低温胁迫下钼对冬小麦 类囊体膜组分的影响

  • Arrhenius analysis showed that VDE was sensitive to both chilling and unsaturation level of thylakoid membrane lipids .

    Arrhenius分析证明,VDE对低温和 脂不饱和度都敏感。

  • Effect of Guanidine Hydrochloride on Energy Distribution and Electron Transport of Barley Thylakoid Membranes

    盐酸胍对大麦 类囊体膜能量分配和电子传递的影响

  • Investigations on chlorophyll arrangement and orientation in LHC of spinach thylakoid

    菠菜 类囊体LHC的叶绿素 - 蛋白中的叶绿素排列和方向的研究

  • These provide research basis for studying when and how the chloroplast encoded proteins insert and assembly into the thylakoid membrane .

    这为系统研究叶绿体基因编码蛋白何时何 阶段 稳定插入 类囊体膜并组装 成功复合 提供了研究平台。

  • Effects of Chitosan Treatment on Thylakoid Membrane Characters Characteristics in Rice Seedling Under Low Temperature

    低聚壳聚糖处理对低温 胁迫下水稻幼苗 类囊体膜特性的影响

  • The degree of saturation of fatty acids has been measured for thylakoid membranes isolated from leaves of common beans differing in heat tolerance and grown under optimal and high temperature .

    以耐热性不同的菜豆品种为材料,研究高温 胁迫类囊体 脂肪酸组成及饱和度的变化。

  • Effects of Low Temperature on Fatty Acid Composition of Thylakoid Membranes and Lipid Peroxidation in Leaves of Rice Seedlings

    低温对水稻幼苗 类囊体膜脂肪酸组分和膜脂过氧化的影响

  • The short-term ones mainly were interaction of thylakoid and stroma and change of state transition .

    短期 调节机制,主要是 类囊体和基质的相互作用、状态转变发生变化。

  • Photosynthesis is the most important biochemical reaction in the world which occurs at the thylakoid in chloroplast .

    光合作用是地球上最重要的化学反应,它主要发生在叶绿体的 类囊体 上。

  • Heterogeneity of Plant Photosystem I and Its Distribution on Thylakoid Membranes

    光系统I的异质性及其在 类囊体膜上分布的研究进展

  • There was a certain degree of concentration and periphery in cytoplasmic of chloroplast cell under shading but thylakoid and lamella structure of grana were almost complete .

    遮光后叶绿体内细胞中胞质出现了一定程度的浓缩和周缘化,但 类囊体与基粒片层结构尚为完整。

  • Elevated CO2 stimulated thylakoid development through increasing the thickness of grana and the number lamella to some extent .

    而高CO2浓度通过增加基粒厚度和基粒片层数从而在一定程度上促进 叶绿体 类囊体的发育。

  • Study on Phosphorylation of Thylakoid Protein in Vivo salina thylakoid membranes as other salts did .

    植物 类囊体 蛋白体内磷酸化的研究推测盐是通过离子效应而不是渗透压起作用的。

  • Effect of Hg ~ ( 2 + ) on photochemical activity and polypeptide compositions of thylakoid membrane from spinach

    Hg~(2+)对菠菜离 类囊体膜光化学活性和多肽组分的影响

  • The fungus retards the drought-induced decline in the photosynthetic efficiency and the degradation of chlorophylls and thylakoid proteins .

    该真菌延缓了干旱导致的光合效率的下降和叶绿素与 类囊体蛋白的降解。

  • Effects of Soaking Seeds with Spermidine on the Content of Conjugated Spermidine in the Thylakoid Membrane in the Leaves of Maize Seedlings under Osmotic Stress

    亚精胺浸种对渗透胁迫下玉米幼苗叶片 类囊体膜上结合态多胺含量的影响

  • On the thylakoid membranes are spherical structures partially embedded in the membrane .

    有种球状的结构嵌入在 类囊体膜上, 叫做 光合作用 单位

  • The absorption spectra fluorescence emission spectra at room temperature of the thylakoid membranes were strengthened .

    室温条件下 类囊体膜的可见吸收光谱峰值和荧光发射强度都增强;

  • Graduate research on higher plant thylakoid membrane protein phosphorylation and its relation to the regulation of light energy absorption in two photosystems .

    研究生新生研究?高等植物 类囊体膜蛋白磷酸化及其与两个光合系统中光能吸收的关系。

  • Under Zn deficiency the thylakoid lamella of chloroplast was loosely distributed with less lamella but the platoglobuli number was increased .

    而缺锌处理时 叶绿体基粒片层排列松散、数目明显减少,质体小球明显增多。

  • The light absorption and energy transfer of photosynthesis take place in thylakoid membranes which contain the pigment-protein complexes embedded in the lipid matrix .

    光合作用过程中光能的吸收、传递和转化都是在 类囊体膜中进行的,它是由脂质双层膜和色素蛋白复合物构成的。