


  • The Design and Simulation Analysis of Three-Pole Active Low Pass Filters


  • Inverter-fed three-pole AMB was studied . A linear analytical model considering the air gap eccentricity was presented . Its accuracy was verified by the simulation results of Maxwell 2D based on finite element analysis .

    研究了一种逆变器供电的 三极电磁轴承,推导了计及定、转子定位偏心的线性解析数学模型,该模型的精度得到了Maxwell2D有限元分析的验证。

  • Three-Pole Switch Test with Separating Single-Pole

    独立单极的 三极开关试验

  • Then the optimized design results for a three-pole hair-pin line bandpass filter are presented .

    本文以一只 阶发夹型带通滤波器为例给出了优化设计结果。

  • It is three-pole metal-enclosed and gas-insulated .


  • The analysis based on this model indicates that magnetic couples caused by three-pole reactors and transformers have great influence on the zero-sequence circulating currents .

    基于该模型的分析发现, 三相逆变器 并联 系统中, 电感变压器的采用使得零序环流的大小和通路发生了很大的变化。

  • In this paper the instantaneous model of zero-sequence circulating current between parallel three-phase inverters with three-pole reactors and three-pole transformers is established .

    该文基于 变压器及 电感 动态方程建立了带三磁 电感及三磁柱变压器的三相逆变器瞬时零序分量模型。

  • However these conclusions are normally drawn out without considering the magnetic couples caused by the three-pole transformers and three-pole reactors .

    然而,这些结论基本上都是在无 输出变压器及忽略了三磁柱电感磁路耦合的前提下得出的。

  • Observation of activated Schwann cells under an inverted microscope : 24 hours later the activated Schwann cells inoculated to Petri dish mostly changed from spherical to long shuttle-shape mutation appeared and most were two-pole shape fewer were three-pole shape ;

    激活态许旺细胞倒置相差显微镜下观察结果:接种于培养皿上的激活态许旺细胞24h后大多数由圆球形变成长梭形,有突起,多为双极,也有的呈 三极状;

  • The difference between high and low values of integrated water vapor transport to East Asia-Western Pacific Region shows the three-pole type .

    合成的整层水汽输送在东亚–西太平洋区表现为经向 三极子型。

  • Many matrix switching systems use three-pole guarded relays and wiring .

    许多矩阵切换系统采用了 三极保护继电器和配线。

  • Secondly according to permanent magnet-type bearingless motor 's suspension control system we design the inverter-fed three-pole AMB control system . Compared two current control techniques for three-phase voltage-source PWM converters we choose the hysteresis current controller as the current control technique .

    参考永磁型无轴承电机的磁悬浮控制系统设计了逆变器供电的 三极电磁轴承的控制系统,分析了各种电压型逆变器三相电流控制的优缺点,选择滞环电流控制为三相电流控制方法。

  • Both the internal and external couplings of the filter are appropriately designed to simultaneously satisfy the dual-band requirements . Then a novel compact microstrip three-pole dual-band bandpass filter is developed with remarkably improved stopband characteristics .

    通过合理设计滤波器的 间耦合和外部耦合同时满足两个频段的指标;然后 创新性地提出了一种新型紧凑型 双频段滤波器,滤波器的阻带特性有很大的提高。

  • This paper has introduced a three-pole PRC model based on empirical study of Chinese family enterprises in Southeast Asia . The model consists of performance management relation management and change management which are essential factors to decide whether the family enterprises can develop persistently .

    本文在对 新加坡华人家族企业进行实证研究的基础上提出华人家族企业持续发展的 PRC模型,即家族企业持续发展主要由绩效管理、关系管理和变革管理决定。

  • Application of the Advanced Three-Pole Array to Microscopic Disseminated Type Gold Deposit

    改进的 三极 装置 测深 勘查微细浸染型金矿的应用 效果

  • Study on Inverter-fed Three-pole Active Magnetic Bearing Some Remarks on Polar Spaces

    逆变器供电 三极电磁轴承研究极空间的注记

  • The three-pole switch was originally used to switch a voltmeter guard along with the signal lines .


  • Three-pole Bessel Filter and Its Application to DC Digital Voltmeters

    三极 贝塞尔滤波器在直流数字电压表中的应用