three-dimensional graph


  • An improved ELIMINATING-HIDDEN parts method in drawing a three-dimensional graph with the computer

    计算机绘制 三维曲面 图形的一种改进消隐法

  • Three-dimensional Data Field Graph and Image Displaying and Processing Algorithm of Key Technology Study

    三维数据场中 图形图像显示与处理算法的关键技术研究

  • The metaphor way causes the design surmounting time and the cultural boundary designs between these two flatness and the three-dimensional different concept in the national graph mark and the product establishes an organic relation carries on the conformity the summary and creates again .

    隐喻的方式使设计超越时代和文化的界限,在民族 图形符号和产品设计这两个平面性与 立体性的不同概念之间建立一个有机的联系,进行整合、概括和再创造。

  • The three-dimensional sound graph may show the relations among time 、 frequency and intensity which can be selected to show in color or monochrome mode . A movable cursor is set up to select and show two-dimensional analysis graph of frequency and intensity at some time arbitrarily .


  • Because of the dense node the sensor node readings inside the event boundary is similar and the corresponding three-dimensional points can form a smooth surface meanwhile in the area near the boundary nodes the corresponding three-dimensional graph represents the difference changes .

    由于节点分布密集,事件边界内部的传感器节点读数近似,对应的三维点能够组成平滑的曲面,而在事件边界节点附近,其对应的 三维 图形会呈现差异性较大的变化。

  • Contribution of this paper is as follows : This article describes the three-dimensional visualization in GIS technology based on Open Scene Graph engine and achieves some of the interactive features .

    本文主要贡献如下:1、基于OpenScene Graph引擎现实了大规模场景的 三维显示和部分可视化实时交互功能。

  • Secondly a section plane is designed in order to that the customer can conveniently observe the distribution of geological resources moreover the customer can observe specific section plane by selecting the random position on three-dimensional graph .

    第三,为了使用户能方便的观察地质资源的分布情况,提供了剖面 生成功能。用户可以选择 三维 图形的任意位置来观察该位置的剖面

  • However digital graphic design as an important expression way of interior design not only transforms the plane drawing into a three-dimensional graph but also expresses the design content make up for the design thinking and space atmosphere that engineering drawings cannot express .

    然而作为室内设计重要表达方式的数码图像表现设计,不仅是把平面图纸程式化的转变为 三维表现 ,更应该是表达设计内涵,弥补工程图纸不能表达的设计思想和空间氛围的重要手段。

  • Modeling Method of Three-dimensional Solid Fractal Graph

    三维实体造型的分形 实现

  • In the three-dimensional graph the scattered points distribution of rural and urban areas constitute two distinct congregate areas that reveals the differences in living standards and survival status between urban and rural households .

    三维 中农村和城市的散点分布构成了两个明显的聚集区,揭示了城乡居民生活水平和生存状态的差异。

  • A Study of Three-dimensional Character Design by Computer Graph

    计算机 三维人物设计研究

  • It is of great importance to the planning scheme design and comprehensive control of fully mechanized coal caving face that three-dimensional graph technology is applied to simulate the production process in the coal caving face .

    运用 三维 图形技术模拟综采放顶煤工作面生产过程,对采煤工作面的规划、方案设计及综合治理具有重要意义。

  • Design and Realization of Interactive Online Educational System for Three-dimensional Graph

    三维 图形交互式远程教学系统的设计与实现

  • The JAVA 3D technology which is the expansion of Java language in the three-dimensional graph domain is a group of application programming interfaces .

    JAVA3D技术是Java语言在 三维 图形领域的扩展,是一组应用编程接口。

  • Finally the two-dimensional and three-dimensional graph compared with the experimental data are given .

    并比较实验数据与拟会结果,最后给出纤端光场场强分布的 三维 图形

  • Use the related functions of OpenGL to conduct screen perspective projection and texture mapping realize the functions of texture mapping output of three-dimensional graph roam rotation and scaling .

    并运用OpenGL的相关函数对生成的地形模型进行透视投影变换、纹理映射等渲染处理,实现纹理映射、 三维 图形输出、漫游、旋转、缩放等功能。

  • Design Courseware of Signal and System based on MATLAB GUI and Angle of View Variety of Three-dimensional Graph

    基于MatlabGUI及 三维 图形视角变化制作信号与系统课件

  • The system designs and achieves a spherical triangle 's calculation and a showing assistant design of computer the system have these functions such as defluxion showing two-dimensional and three-dimensional graph real romance and documentary storage etc.

    本系统设计和实现了是一个面向球面三角计算、显示的计算机辅助设计系统,该系统具有偏转,显示二、 三维 图形,坐标变换、真实感渲染和文件存储等功能。

  • So what that corresponds to in the three-dimensional picture is just I sum the volumes of all of these little columns that sit under the graph .

    这个式子的值对应于 三维 空间中, 函数图像下方,所有 小柱体的体积之和。

  • Then the paper essentializes the two key problems in the course of building a three-dimensional monitor network : the optimum geometrical graph and the precision distance surveying .

    同时,简要分析了建立高精度的测边 三维监测网的两个关键问题,即最优构 和精密光波测距。

  • Through further development of solidworks and by using VB programming to form three-dimensional graph together with two-dimensional engineering graph designing procedure is simplified which improved the design efficiency .

    通过Solidworks的二次开发环境,利用VB编程,生成 三维 实体 和二维工程图,简化设计过程,提高了设计效率。