


  • Objective To observe the clinical effects of Juheli ( rhIL-11 ) on thrombopenia of the patients with malignant tumor after chemotherapy and radiotherapy .

    目的观察巨和粒(重组人白细胞介素11)治疗肿瘤患者放化疗后 血小板 减少 的临床疗效。

  • It was found that in the clinical analysis of 136 cases of Dengue fever those with high and protracted fever and severe thrombopenia were inclined to be complicated with hemorrhage usually upper gastrointestinal bleeding which was fatal to the patient .

    对136例登革热的临床资料进行分析,发现其中发热高、热程长以及 血小板 减少 显著 易合并出血, 最常见为上消化道出血,可危及生命。

  • Methods : From January to November 2000 cases of pregnancy with thrombopenia was selected for clinical analysis .

    方法:选择2000年1月~11月在我院分娩的 血小板 减少 50例进行分析。

  • The Thrombopenia Secondary to the Neonatal Septicemia ( A Report of 26 Cases )

    新生儿败血症继发 血小板 减少 (附26例报道)

  • Objective : To observe postpartum hemorrhage and the treatment in delivery of pregnancy with thrombopenia .

    目的:观察妊娠合并 血小板 减少 产后出血情况及分娩期处理。

  • The main side effects include thrombopenia neutropenia gastrointestinal tract response and hypothyroidism .

    最主要的副反应包括: 血小板 减少 、中性粒细胞减少症、胃肠道反应及甲状腺功能减低症。

  • Clinical analysis of 13 cases of hemangioma and vascular malformation associated with thrombopenia

    血管瘤和血管畸形伴 血小板 减少 综合 13例分析

  • Anaphylactic shock occurred in 2 patients ( 3.8 % ) . Type ⅱ allergy ( immunological anemia or thrombopenia ) and death cases were not observed .

    过敏性休克2例(3.8%),未发现与Ⅱ型超敏反应 相关 严重的免疫 性贫血或者 血小板 减少及死亡病例。

  • Clinical observation of intraspinal anesthesia and general anesthesia used in C-section of pregnant women with thrombopenia

    椎管内麻醉与全身麻醉用于 合并 血小板 减少 产妇剖宫产术的临床观察

  • Domestic-made recombinant human interleukin-11 for the treatment of 25 cases of severe thrombopenia induced by chemotherapy

    国产基因重组人白细胞介素-11治疗化疗致重度 血小板 减少 25例

  • Thrombopenia in clinical study related with platelet glycoprotein ⅱ b / ⅲ a receptor blocker

    血小板膜糖蛋白Ⅱb/Ⅲa受体阻滞剂相关临床研究中的 血小板 减少

  • Therapeutic Effect of Recombinant Human Interleukin-11 on Thrombopenia in Children with Acute Non-Lymphocytic Leukemia after Chemotherapy

    国产重组人白细胞介素-11治疗儿童急性非淋巴细胞白血病化疗后 血小板 减少 的疗效

  • OBJECTIVE : To investigate the effect of bayberry polyphenol ( BPP ) on thrombopenia induced by cytotoxic drug and radiation in mice and rats .

    目的:研究杨梅多酚对大、小白鼠在化学和辐射损伤中 血小板 减少的影响。

  • Clinical Significance of Determination of Platelet Associated IgG in Patients with Thrombopenia

    血小板 减少 疾病血小板 表面相关IgG测定的临床意义

  • Objective To observe clinical efficacy of domestic-made recombinant human interleukin-11 ( rhIL-11 ) in treatment of severe thrombopenia ( TBP ) induced by chemotherapy .

    目的观察国产基因重组人白细胞介素-11(rhIL-11)对化疗致重度 血小板 减少 (TBP)的临床疗效。