through cargo

[θru ˈkɑrɡo][θru: ˈkɑ:ɡəu]


  • In this period the corporations of road transportation went through the suffering stages such as the single vehicle contracted and cargo vehicles repeatedly rent and broke up the whole into parts to deal with the market lash from the private transportation vehicles .

    其间,公路运输企业 经历了单车承包、 货车转租个体等痛苦的抉择,化整为零以应付来自个体运输车辆的市场冲击。

  • To improve loading benefits it is pivotal to optimize the loading organization to increase the average transport distance of the dispatched through cargo . This is also an important way to improve the transport benefits .

    优化装车组织,提高 直通发送 货物的平均运距是提高装车效益的关键,也是提高运输效益的重要途径。

  • In the light of the features of the concrete supply for the large-sized projects this paper compares the transportation cost and work efficiency of three kinds of commercial concrete supply modes by using the theory of through cargo and obtains the best supply scheme .

    针对大型项目混凝土供应特点,运用 货运 直达理论比较了3种商品混凝土供应模式的运输成本以及工作效率,从而得到最优供应方案。

  • Freight is through air cargo to Port Harcourt Nigeria .

    货运是 通过空运 货物到尼日利亚的哈科特港。

  • The measures for reducing the noise of conveyer is discussed through analyzing the mechanism of noise formed during the conveying and the moving characters of cargo .

    分析其输 过程中噪声产生的机理和物料的运动特性入手,探讨降低输运过程噪声的措施。

  • Determine the Best Supply Scheme of the Commercial Concrete by Using the Theory of Through Cargo

    运用 货运 直达理论确定商品砼最优供应方案

  • The Peddler saw through his trick and drove him for the third time to the coast where he bought a cargo of sponges instead of salt .

    可是他的把戏早就被盐商 看透了。当他们第三次来到海边, 盐商这次买的却是海绵。

  • Designed a accurate device for calibration and brought forward the corresponding method of it through which gauge-exceeding cargo can be detected exactly .

    设计了精确的标定装置,提出了相应的标定方法, 使超限 货物能被准确地测出。

  • There are estimates for landed costs payments of goods through draft letters of credit insurance and re-delivery of cargo if there is more than one port of destination .

    还要对装运费、商品付款、信用证保险,在多于一个目的地的 货品的再发货等行为进行评估。

  • The paper introduced in detail the testing and study carried out on its thrust through self-propelled scaled model resistance testing for a 5 000 dwt class multi-purpose cargo ship .

    本文介绍在一艘5000吨多用途 货船模型阻力自航试验过程中 进行补偿导管推力的试验研究。

  • The design of the power plant of the 12000 DWT river / sea through cargo ship

    12000吨江海 直达 货船动力装置设计中的几个问题

  • Orders processing filter through a map then reasoning bulk cargo attributes with the rules established with ontology clustering the results fulfill the requirements integration .

    订单处理 通过地图进行过滤,然后通过本体规则库对 货物属性进行推理聚类,完成需求整合。

  • This kind of intelligent through way makes logistics companies quickly accurately and fully understand the cargo information and delivery man delivery situation .

    这种智能 方式使物流公司能够迅速、准确、全面地掌握 货物信息和送货员的送货情况。

  • As the maturity of the professional container terminal how to fully utilize the resources through various management and technical tools at cargo terminal to increase revenue has become a necessary research issue in production management .

    由于专业的集装箱码头日益成熟,如何 通过不同的管理和技术手段充分利用 杂货码头的资源以增加码头收益,已经成为生产管理中迫切需要研究的课题。

  • The Design and Research of a 12000 / 15000DWT Sea-River Through Cargo Ship

    12000/15000吨级江海 直达 货船的设计研究

  • Analysis result is have coal sand stone grain and other goods through the large amount kind of bulk cargo of valley port grow have cement chemical fertilizer steel and forage etc. mainly .

    分析结果为, 通过流域港口的大宗 散货种类有煤炭、砂石、粮食,其它货种主要有水泥、化肥、钢、饲料等。

  • The customs through the border measure to violate the patent the trademark rights the copyright cargo when the entry enters the country carries on detains .

    海关 通过边境措施,对侵害专利权、商标权、著作权的 货物在通关入国时进行拦阻。

  • Through data on the socio-economic areas in the future freight and cargo volume forecast .

    通过整理的数据对该地区未来的社会经济、货运量和 货运 周转量进行预测。

  • Do ballast lines pass through any cargo tanks ?

    有压载管 穿过任意 货舱吗?

  • Through overall analysis of the difference between bulk carriers and non-bulk carries this paper found out the deficiencies of non-bulk carriers while they are carrying bulk cargo and analyzed the possible damage to ship safety .

    文章 通过分析散货船和非散货船的区别,找到非散货船在载运 散货时的不足之处,并分析了其可能对船舶安全造成的危害。

  • Through analysis of calculation results to observe the stress and the deformation of cargo hold and to make the comparison of the stress of cargo component when the ship carries high density bulk cargo and low density bulk cargo .

    通过分析计算结果,来观察货舱的受力大小和 货舱的变形情况,并就装载高密度散货和装载低密度散货的货舱构件受力做了比较。

  • The paper demonstrates the cargo distribution base servicing North China area and Northeast Asia area to be formed taking Tianjin Port as the centre through overall reorganization of cargo resource of Tianjin port and presents the plan and conception to lift the position of Tianjin Port and Tianjin City .

    论证 通过全面整合天津港的 物流资源,形成以天津港为中心,面向中国北方地区以及东北亚的物流基地,全面提升天津港口与城市地位的规划构想。

  • In addition functionality will be enhanced through clever ways to access and reconfigure passenger and cargo space .

    除此之外, 通过更灵活的进入方式和重新布置乘员及 货物的空间,汽车的功能将会进一步加强。

  • Through the studies of these characteristics can provide a useful reference for the transporting of this kind of cargo and guaranteeing the safety of marine practice .

    通过对这些特性的研究,能够为船舶装运此类 货物提供有益的参考,保证实际生产的安全。

  • Design of a 1500t class Extreme - Shallow Draft River-Sea Through Cargo Ship

    1500t级超浅吃水江海 直达 货船的总体设计

  • Combination of modern logistics and financial services . Through the integrated management of logistics capital flow information flow logistics finance make logistics enterprises cargo owners of enterprises and banks to achieve win-win situation .

    物流金融是结合现代物流与金融的一种创新型服务, 通过对物流、资金流、信息流的集成管理,物流金融服务业务使物流企业、 货主企业和银行实现多方共赢。

  • Four Palestinian gunmen stormed through the border fence in Gaza and attacked an Israeli cargo crossing in a daring daylight raid .

    四名巴勒斯坦枪手 越过加沙地带的边境隔离墙,在光天化日之下大胆地袭击了以色列的一个 货运关卡。

  • The Features of Structural Design for a 12000 DWT Sea-River Through Cargo Ship

    12000吨级江海 直达 散货船结构设计特点

  • It is certain that the international trade of the dry bulk complete the contract through delivering the cargo on time by the ocean shipping .

    国际干 散货贸易需要通过海运来 进行交货,完成交易。

  • Going through the formalities of direct sea transport customs transfer of bulk cargo and customs clearance at destined places .

    办理海运直通、海运 散货转关及指定地清关手续。