your very own

[jʊr ˈvɛri on][jɔ: ˈveri əun]


  • In addition to our popular tour packages we can help you plan your very own American tour to any city or site & just let us know where you want to go and what you want to do !

    除了提供我们 有特色的旅游线路,我们能帮助你安排 参观美国任何城市和景点,请告诉我们你想去的的地方和想做的事情。

  • So if you want to limit the privileges you give your programs on Linux you could create your very own Linux security module .

    所以,如果您想在Linux上限制授与您的程序的特权,您可以创建 完全 自己的安全模块。

  • Upon visiting him you get a request to visit his acquaintance and your very own Pok é mon as you have always dreamed of having .

    他参观后,你要求访问他的熟人和 自己的神奇宝贝,因为你总是有梦想。

  • Innoopract with its Yoxos On Demand Eclipse download service provides a unique way of building and downloading your very own distro .

    Innoopract结合其YoxosOnDemandEclipse下载服务,提供了一种独特的方法可以构建和下载 自己的发行版。

  • Well you finally have your very own car .

    好啦, 终于 自己的车了。

  • A gecko ! Follow the directions below to get your very own live cockroach eliminator !

    跟着下面这个地址, 就能 拥有活生生的灭 器!

  • You also receive your very own Marketing Package and a self replicating website to start promoting the TVI Express Opportunity and build your way to the financial freedom .

    您还会收到 属于 自己的营销方案和自我复制的网站开始推广积分快速机遇和建立自己的方式向金融自由。

  • No not robots and sci-fi warriors but the artificial intelligence of your very own PC.

    不,不是机器人、科幻斗士,但 自己人工智能电脑。

  • With a few simple steps you 'll be able to build and create your very own content called sprouts .

    与几个简单的步骤,您将可以建设和创造 自己的内容,所谓的“豆芽”。

  • Hit the road from today ! Make it your very own passion and your smile of happiness is our desired haven .

    从今天开始,让 英语上路,成就 生命 新的热爱,你绽放的笑容啊,就是我渴望中持久的温情!

  • Get you a room of your very own .

    让你 自己的房间。

  • Keep it for your very own .


  • Unlimited diving with your very own personal PADI registered dive Instructor .

    无限潜水与 自己的个人的PADI注册潜水教练。

  • The game has a simple premise : you are the imperial ruler of your very own medieval kingdom .

    这个游戏有一个简单的设定: 自己的中世纪王国的统治者。

  • If I could build a mountain You could call your very own A place to find serenity A place to be alone .

    如果我能建造大山,你尽可把它当成 自己的体验宁静的空间,一个可以独处的地方。

  • Soon you may be able to buy your very own Justin Bieber snacks .

    不久以后,你可能 买到 贾斯汀毕伯牌的点心。

  • You can either take baby with you or bring the exercise regimen into the comfort of your very own home .

    您可以采取的婴儿与你或将行使水情到 提供最舒适的 自己的家园。

  • To get stuff to your very own PC or Macintosh you have to download it .

    要想把材料传送到 自己的PC或Macintosh机上,你应当下载它。

  • This is your very own money .

    这是 自己的钱。

  • If you can find a co-signer you can sign a contract and legally receive your very own credit card .

    如果你能找到一位担保人,就可以签合同了,顺德专业英文学习之后会收到属于 自己的合法信用卡。

  • You have the ability to totally transform every area in your life-and it all begins with your very own power of choice .

    你有能力完全改变生命中的每一方面&而这一切都始于 作出选择的力量。

  • It helps you to think of your baby as a person first your very own beloved child and not just the doctor 's medical case .

    这有助于您将宝宝看成一个人,一个 属于 爱的孩子,而不仅仅是医生的病例。

  • But why take the bus when you can drive your very own rustbucket ?

    要是能开 自己的锈 铁桶,干吗还要搭公车呢?

  • You can keep this for your very own .

    你可以保留这个, 当做 自已 所有之物。

  • With Mosaics you can create your very own personal tapestry design that 's completely unique to you as the individual .

    她多样的颜色,形状和尺寸让 可以根据 自己 想法设计 自己独有的风格。

  • If you have a dream of achieving everlasting love you better create your very own life crowned by hobbies interests and beneficial passions .

    如果想拥有永恒的爱情,你最好能让 自己的生活中 充满各种爱好,兴趣和积极的激情。