


  • There was drug resistance to mitomycin C Thiotepa 5-Fluorouracil Vincristine and Methotrexate at average inhibition rate less than 30 % .

    而对丝裂霉素C、 、5氟尿嘧啶、长春新碱和氨甲喋呤则耐药,平均抑制率均小于30%。

  • Mutation of p16 ~ ( INK4a ) and p15 ~ ( INK4b ) genes of human bronchial epithelial cells malignantly transformed by cyclophosphamide and thiotepa

    环磷酰胺及 诱导的人支气管上皮恶性转化细胞的p16~(INK4a)及p15~(INK4b)基因突变

  • Conclusion Thiotepa has a serious malignant transformation effect on immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells .

    结论 派对人支气管上皮细胞具有 较强的恶性转化效应。

  • Objective To observe the mutation of related genes during the process of malignant transformation induced by a chemotherapeutic agent thiotepa in the immortalized human bronchial epithelial cell line ( BEAS 2B ) .

    目的观察抗癌药物 诱发永生化人支气管上皮细胞恶性转化过程中相关基因的突变 分析其意义。

  • Objective To investigate the malignant transformation effects of human bronchial epithelial cells induced by thiotepa .

    目的研究 派对人类支气管上皮细胞的致癌转化效应。

  • Therapeutic effect of regular submucous injection of thiotepa in preventing relapse of superficial bladder cancer

    浅表性膀胱移行细胞癌粘膜下定期注射 预防复发 近期疗效观察

  • Expression of Pgp GST π are more efficacious than Topo ⅱ α index to predict the sensitivity to intravesical chemotherapy with thiotepa or MMC .

    在预测以 和丝裂霉素 为主的术后腔内化疗敏感性方面,Pgp、GST-π表达情况较Topo-α指数更为有效。

  • The longevity and mating duration of males would be decreased with the increasing of concentration of thiotepa when treated by different concentrations of thiotepa in different stages of G. cantor .

    天牛的不同时期进行不同浓度噻 溶液处理时,随着 替派浓度的增加,雄虫的寿命和交配持续时间均呈缩短趋势。

  • Observation on hyperthermia combined with intravesical thiotepa instillation for prevention recurrence of superficial bladder carcinoma after operation

    高频透热合并膀胱灌注 预防表浅性膀胱癌复发的疗效观察

  • A pharmacodynamic study of thiotepa and mitomycin C on human bladder cancer cell line in vitro

    体外膀胱 灌注 和丝裂霉素C的药效学研究