
[ˈtɪpˌɔf, -ˌɑf][ˈtipɔf]


  • I think | this is a good tip-off | to his overall character .

    我想这是他整个性格的一个很好 体现

  • The gun battle erupted on Saturday night when soldiers after receiving a tip-off went to a large house in the city 's downtown tourist district .

    事件发生在周六晚上,当时士兵收到 命令赶赴市区旅游区一所大房子内,随后发生枪战。

  • Did you get a tip-off from somewhere ?

    你是 不是 收到 消息了?

  • Ray Allen once dunked the ball in his own hoop following the tip-off as a high school senior .

    雷阿伦曾经在他高中时在一次 跳球后把篮球扣进了自家篮筐。

  • Acting on a tip-off the police arrested the drug smugglers .

    警方根据 密报逮捕了毒品走私者。

  • The organ that accepts a tip-off shall keep confidential the tip-off maker as well as the tipped-off contents .

    接受 举报的机关应当对举报人和举报内容保密。

  • The district procuratorate recently opened a tip-off hotline in a Bid to reinforce the momentum of the ongoing anti-corruption drive

    区检察院加大当前反腐败运动的力度,近日 开通了热线

  • We will try to be efficient and to control them from the tip-off .

    我们会努力保持效率,并从一开始 控制 他们。

  • Mr Zeller said that the statement was based on information from the Swiss federal prosecutor which acted after a tip-off from a Lebanese bank .

    泽勒表示,那项声明是根据瑞士联邦检察署提供的信息作出的,而该机构是在一家黎巴嫩银行 通风报信后采取相应行动的。

  • The Kaibab trail leading to tip-off point which then takes us sharply down to the Colorado River .


  • Hornets coach Byron Scott said about an hour before tip-off that Paul 's four-game absence caused by a strained right groin in a loss to Portland on Feb.2 was over and that Paul was ready to play .

    保罗的四场缺席并非 空穴来风。因为在2月2号对阵开拓者的 比赛中,保罗右腹股沟不慎受伤。主教练斯科特称保罗经过四场比赛的休息已经能够上场比赛。

  • The man was arrested after an anonymous tip-off .

    有人匿名 举报后,那个人被抓了 起来

  • A chance to win a trip for two to Las Vegas to watch a day 's worth of2008 NBA Summer League games from courtside and participate in the honorary tip-off .

    机会赢取之旅两至拉斯维加斯,观看天值得一提的2008年NBA的夏季联赛,游戏,从球场,并参加在名誉 提示 小康

  • Security forces said an anonymous tip-off led them to the site which is almost the size of a football pitch .

    安全力量表示,一份匿名 密报引导他们来到 这里,整个场地像足球场 那么大。

  • Other old writers ramble and repeat themselves ; their style is the tip-off that they have turned into garrulous bores .

    另一些作家,一直在 原地 徘徊,这表明,他们已经变得无聊乏味。

  • A tip-off led to the basement of a house recently vacated by Mr Rodenstock and the discovery of piles of blank labels corks and other counterfeiter 's paraphernalia .


  • The man was arrested at his home after a tip-off to police from a member of the public .

    在一名 群众向警方 举报以后,那人就在家里被逮捕了。

  • In a statement posted on their official Sina Weibo microblog account Monday night the police said that a Mr. Chan a Mr. Ko and several other people were arrested last Thursday in the Dongcheng district of Beijing by antinarcotics authorities acting on a tip-off .

    警方周一晚在其官方新浪微博账号发布的一份声明中表示,禁毒总队在接到 群众 举报后,于上周四在北京东城区拘捕了一位房某某、一位柯某某以及其他几人。

  • In return for your tip-off ?

    作为你 他们 消息的回报?

  • According to Mr Webb he received an anonymous tip-off that hundreds of insurance sales agents had been offered PCCW shares in return for voting for the privatisation offer .

    据韦伯称,他曾收到匿名 举报,指称有 “数百名保险经纪人”赠送电讯盈科股票,以换取对私有化收购的支持。

  • It says a militant hideout was hit in the Shawal mountains of South Waziristan following a tip-off .

    据称,根据一份线报提示,空袭打击了一处位于南瓦斯瑞斯坦的 沙沃尔山脉的武装分子据点。

  • I used to love getting to the pyramid game just before tip-off .

    我经常在比赛前到 金字塔球场去。

  • Still there 's no tip-off of his whereabouts .

    尽管如此仍然没有他行踪的 警告