tissue extract

[ˈtɪʃu ɪkˈstrækt][ˈtisju: iksˈtrækt]


  • The above results demonstrate that tissue extract of pig spleen can induce the chronic stimulatory effect on the suppressed thyroids in rats .

    结果表明,猪脾 浸液对大鼠受抑甲状腺具有慢性促进作用。

  • Electro-acupuncture stimulation enhances the neurite outgrowth promoting effect of tissue extract from clarke 's nucleus of spared root in cat

    电针刺激增强备用背根猫背核 组织 提取 的促神经突起生长效应

  • The result indicates that morphine might enhance the neurite-promoting effect of the tissue extract of deafferented spinal dorsal horn on DRG .

    这表明,吗啡具有进一步增强去初级传入纤维支配的脊髓后角 组织 提取 促进培养的DRG神经突起生长的效应。

  • The immuno-gold staining and immuno-gold silver staining methods were used for localizing and quantifying the pathogenic bacteria of the rice bacterial leaf streak in the tissue sections and in the extract of different parts of the infected rice seeds .

    本文首次报道用免疫金染色和免疫金银染色对水稻细菌性条斑病病种的 带菌部位及带菌量的研究。

  • Both tissue plasma of musca maggot and the extract of maggot dejecta were capable of inhibiting the growth of hypha of pathogenic germs .

    蝇蛆 组织捣碎液和蛆粪 对病原菌菌丝生长和生物量有显著的抑制作用,而蛆饲料 无明显的效果。

  • Mushroom broth is used to replace animal tissue extract to produce mushroom culture solution and mushroom blood agar medium .

    研究以平菇汤为基础成分,代替动物 组织 提取物,制备平菇液体培养基,平菇血琼脂培养基。

  • To observe the resist-injury effect of acupoints acupuncture preconditioning ( AAP ) brain tissue extract in mice .

    目的:探讨穴位针刺预处理脑 组织 提取 的抗缺氧损伤作用,为针刺效应物质的探讨提供初步的实验依据。

  • The Culture of the New Small Rat Epidermal Cells & he Evaluation of Effect for the Human Placental Tissue Extract on the Cell 's Physiological Function

    新生小鼠表皮细胞的培养&人胎盘 组织 提取 对细胞生理作用的评价

  • Isolation and bioassay of the neurotrophic active fraction TN tissue extract from spinal dorsal horn of SPARED ROOT RAT

    备用根大鼠脊髓后角 提取 神经营养活性组分的分离及生物活性测定

  • Neurotrophic activity in brain wound tissue extract and the origin of the active factors

    脑创伤 组织 提取 的神经营养活性及其活性因子来源的探讨

  • To date the teeth generated by any of the tissue engineering methods we have described have not developed roots . Effects of PLA post extract liguid on biological characteristics of deciduous teeth periodontal ligament fibroblasts

    截至目前为止,所有 组织工程方法制造出来的牙齿,都没长出过牙根。聚乳酸根管钉浸 液对人乳牙牙周膜细胞生物学性能的影响

  • Differential expression of colonic tissue proteins in mice induced by extract of senna

    番泻叶 提取物诱导小鼠结肠 组织中蛋白质的差异表达

  • Tissue distribution was studied in rats after administration of noisome gel of Semen Strychni alkaloids extract .

    研究 马钱子总碱囊泡凝胶经皮给药后大鼠的 组织分布。

  • Changes in Pain Threshold After Heterotransplantation of Some Tissue Extract From Acupunctured SD Rats

    针刺大鼠 组织 提取物异体接种后痛阈变化

  • Quantitative Histological and Ultrastructural Studies on the Effect of Pig Splenic Tissue Extract on the Suppressed Rat Thyroid

    猪脾 浸液对大鼠受抑甲状腺的作用&定量组织学和超微结构研究

  • The Feedback Effect of ACTH on Tissue Extract Activity

    ACTH对 组织 浸液活性的反馈作用

  • Kiwifruit tissue is abundant with polysaccharide which influence the quality of RNA extract . The paper described a method improved for extracting total RNA from kiwifruit tissues that could satisfy the experiments of cDNA and Northern blots .

    针对猕猴桃果实 组织中由于富含多糖类物质而影响RNA 提取效果,本文阐述了通过RNA提取方法的改进而取得较好的效果,可以满足cDNA和Northern印迹分析。

  • Morphine enhances the neurite-promoting effect of tissue extract from spinal dorsal horn with SPARED ROOT RAT on dorsal root ganglion of chick embryo in vitro

    吗啡增强备用根大鼠脊髓后角 组织 提取 对培养鸡胚背根节的促神经突起生长的作用

  • In order to know the germicidal efficacy of compound chlorhexidine acetate disinfection wet tissue containing extract of mallow cytisus and aloe carrier quantitative germicidal test was used for observation .

    为了解含锦葵、金雀花、芦荟植物 提取物的醋酸氯己定复方消毒 湿巾杀菌效果,采用载体定量杀菌试验对其进行了观察。

  • Changes of bFGF amount as detected by indirect ELISA test of wounded brain tissue extract

    间接ELISA检测脑损伤 组织 提取 中bFGF含量变化

  • The effects of brain wound tissue extract on morphological characters and fos gene expression of cultured astrocytes

    脑创伤 组织 提取 对培养星形胶质细胞的形态特征及FOS基因表达的影响

  • Induced Resistance in Potato Tuber Tissue against Fusarium sulphureum Infection by Hyphal Cell Wall Extract from Trichothecium roseum

    真菌菌丝细胞壁 提取物对马铃薯块茎 组织抗干腐病的诱导效应

  • 90 % survival rate of transplanted human tumor tissue was observed in the mice pretreated by plant extract and can maintain in mice while no survival tumor tissue in no pretreated mice with plant extract after 30 day transplanting .

    将人新鲜肿瘤组织块移植到经该提取物预处理的幼鼠后,成活率达90%以上,而且可以成功传代;未经 提取物预处理的小鼠,30天后肿瘤 组织死亡而被吸收。

  • Fibrinolytic factors and its inhibitors in rabbit tissue extract

    家兔 组织 浸液纤溶因子及其抑制物的 实验研究

  • A high repeatability and high resolution of rat liver tissue extract of metabolomics research methods was also establish at the same time .

    建立了高重复性和高分辨率的大鼠肝脏 组织 提取 的代谢组学的研究方法。