tire out

[taɪr aʊt][ˈtaiə aut]


  • On my way to school my front tire blew out .

    上学途中,我的前轮 爆胎了。

  • I can go and see the fireworks but I am afraid the crowd will tire me out .

    去看烟火也好,但是人太多恐怕会 累坏

  • The oppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out

    下午闷热的天气使他 疲惫不堪

  • If a tire blows out while one is driving at high speed it can be very dangerous .

    高速行驶 车胎爆炸是很危险的。

  • All this media attention can tire a fellow out . Knut gives a big yawn .

    媒体对于 克纳特的关注也会让小家伙 疲惫不堪。瞧,它对着镜头打起了呵欠。

  • During the trip Darlene and I took turns driving so that neither of us would tire out .

    旅途中,达伦和我轮流开车,这样才不会有人 累垮

  • When the tire blew out the rules Edna had learned in driving class carried her through safely .

    车胎 爆裂后,埃德娜在驾驶训练班上学到的知识使她安然度过了难关。

  • Researchers in the field never tire of pointing out that TB kills a lot of people .

    这个领域的研究人员一直都 提醒人们有许多生命死于肺 结核病

  • You 'll tire yourself out and probably drown .

    那会 使筋疲力竭而可能遭到灭顶。

  • His objective was to tire out the climbers .

    他的目标是 使登山者 筋疲力尽

  • Even more recently – as the Russians never tire of pointing out – the US has led military interventions far from home in Iraq Afghanistan and now Syria .

    甚至在更近一些时候(正如俄罗斯人不知 疲倦 指出 那样),美国在远离其本土的地方主导了军事干预&先是在伊拉克和阿富汗,现在则是叙利亚。

  • Unlike a treadmill Marley cannot be abandoned in the basement when you tire of working out .

    你不能在 厌倦锻炼时 小狗马利( Marley)像跑步机一样丢到地下室里。

  • The bicycle tire blew out at a previously damaged point .

    自行 车胎在以前损坏过的地方又爆开了。

  • Zina : He 's worried that our team is going to tire out and that WebTracker is going to beat us .

    吉娜:他担心我们团队会 气力 尽,而“网路搜寻家”会打败我们。

  • If you start to exercise and really tire out your body you will be nice and exhausted when it comes time to go to bed .

    如果你每天锻炼身体, 使你的身体 疲倦,在你睡觉时,就会因为很累而很快入睡。

  • As Japanese taxi drivers never tire of pointing out Japan – like Britain – is an island .

    正如日本出租车司机永不 厌倦 指出 那样,日本像英国一样,都是岛国。

  • If it isnt natural for you to be sleeping during the day on the plane tire yourself out beforehand with exercise or make yourself drowsy with meditation or mindfulness he said .

    如果白天你在飞机上睡不着,之前通过运动让 自己 疲惫或者通过冥想或思考让自己瞌睡。

  • No town can live peacefully whatever its laws Plato wrote when its citizens ... do nothing but feast and drink and tire themselves out in the cares of love .

    没有哪个城镇能过太平日子,无论制定什么法律,柏拉图写道,假使市民无所事事,只是享受美酒盛宴,因为谈情说爱而 自己 筋疲力竭

  • From the number of art science and historical museums to the parks buildings bull fights and amazing land features sightseeing can easily tire you out .

    从大量的艺术,科学,历史博物馆,到公园,建筑,斗牛表演,还有另人惊奇的景观,观光真的能让你 筋疲力尽

  • A rear tire blew out and the car jackrabbited out of control ( Sonny Kleinfield )

    爆炸了,汽车突然失去了控制( 索尼克莱恩菲尔德

  • Too much shaking caused tire and out of breath said my upper body .

    「太晃了, 好累又容易 耶」,上半身这麽说著。

  • I am taking on two tasks now are you going to tire me out ?

    我现在是 一身两役,你想 累死我啊。

  • The air in the tire was let out by the naughty boy .


  • And I don 't see any other tire tracks out here .

    我也 看到 车轮印。

  • The special spare tire can both be used temporarily when a tire is leaking or a tire blows out and also used as a normal tire .

    专用备胎不仅是在轮胎漏气或者发生 爆胎时临时使用,也可作为正常轮胎使用。

  • A day at the seaside should tire them out .


  • Have the rear tire blown out .

    把后 弄爆

  • The purpose was to tire out the enemy .

    目的是要 疲惫敌军。