tissue immunity

[ˈtɪʃu ɪˈmjunɪti][ˈtisju: ɪˈmju:nɪti:]


  • By means of liver tissue pathology immunity histochemistry blood serum and tissue biochemistry the effect of AGE on DEN induced liver cancer were observed .

    利用肝 组织病理学、 免疫组化、血清和组织生化等检测方法,观察了番荔枝总提取物对DEN所诱发肝癌形成的影响。

  • Conclusion Microwave tissue coagulation can obliterate the primary focus of oral carcinoma and can control the local recurrence of tumor through evoking apoptosis and enhancing immunity .

    结论 MTC可杀灭口腔癌原发灶,同时诱导邻近 组织细胞凋亡和 免疫增强来控制肿瘤的局部复发。

  • Local tissue reaction and immunity stimulation have been proved the most important procedure between biomaterial and organism in vivo study .

    在体内植入研究中,局部 组织反应及 免疫刺激是观察材料与机体反应的重要内容,而炎细胞浸润和包膜厚度是材料生物相容性的重要指标。

  • Effect of microwave tissue coagulation on the cellular immunity of the tumor bearing mice

    微波 组织凝固对荷瘤小鼠 全身细胞 免疫力的影响

  • It can cause the body tissue activeness adjusts in vivo to be balanced enhancement immunity ability .

    它能使人体 组织活性化,调整体内平衡,增强 免疫能力。

  • CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocytes in tissue were measured by immunohistochemistry and in blood by flow cytometry to evaluate KS effect on immunity regulation .

    采用流式细胞术和免疫组化分别对血液和 组织中CD4+和CD8+的T淋巴细胞进行了检测,考察苦参方对 机体 免疫 状态的调节作用。

  • A number of functions have been ascribed to mannose receptor including modulating tissue homeostasis regulating innate immunity and adaptive immunity .

    甘露糖受体在调节内环境的稳定,介导先天性 免疫及获得性免疫应答中都有其明确的作用。

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus is a connective tissue disease which is mediated by autoimmunity with the characteristic symptom of immunity inflammation .

    系统性红斑狼疮(Systemiclupuserythematosus.SLE)是自身免疫介导的,以 免疫性炎症为突出表现的弥漫性结缔 组织病。

  • Conclusion : The results showed that IL-12 gene injected locally in the hepatoma tissue could enhance the anti-tumor immunity of the host .

    结论: 肝癌局部注射IL-12基因能激发机体抗肿瘤 免疫 反应

  • CD45-RO and CD20 positive cells appeared in the fetal pulmonary interstitial tissue at week 28 . Conclusion : The inherent immunity of the human fetal lung appeared early .

    CD45-RO和CD20阳性细胞在28周开始出现于肺 组织中。

  • The results indicated that the genes which differentially expressed in Rana liver tissue after OP exposure were mainly involved in cellular material transport cell signal transduction cellular immunity cell structure and material metabolism .

    结果表明OP暴露导致林蛙的肝 组织中差异表达的基因主要涉及细胞物质转运、细胞信号转导、细胞 免疫、细胞结构和物质代谢等方面的功能。

  • Long-term application of Dopamine in patient with heart failure may influence oxygenation of tissue . Active surveillance of effects of respiration and immunity should be considered in such patients .

    心衰时较长时间应用多巴胺可影响 组织氧合,心衰病人应用多巴胺时需充分考虑其对呼吸和 免疫的影响。

  • Mainly exist with a two kinds of forms of secret in the organism in vivo the former mainly are exist in the blood the tissue liquid and the secretion in exertive various function of immunity ;

    在机体内Ig主要以分泌型和膜型两种形式存在,前者主要存在于血液、 组织液及外分泌液中发挥各种 免疫功能;

  • Objective Experiments were conducted to elucidate the effects of microwave tissue coagulation ( MTC ) on killing tumors and cell-mediated immunity effects .

    目的:观察微波热 凝固对肿瘤的杀伤及其作用后荷瘤体 免疫 机能的动态变化。

  • As well know LC is mostly important antibody precent cell and it decide character of immunity reaction in the tissue of skin it is also main reason of immunity exclude reaction after transplant variant skin .

    已知LC是皮肤中最重要的抗原递呈细胞,决定了皮肤 组织的免疫反应特征,是异体皮肤移植后发生 免疫排斥的主要原因;

  • In addition to their role in immunity some antibacterial peptides can play the distinct roles in cell differentiation tissue repair and antitumor immunity .

    除了在局部免疫中发挥作用外,各种因素诱导产生的抗菌肽还参与细胞分化、 组织修复及 肿瘤等 功能

  • Effect of microwave tissue coagulation on cellular immunity of patients with central type lung cancer

    经纤支镜 微波 治疗对肺癌患者肺细胞 免疫系统的影响

  • Objective : ICAM-1 play a important role in embryo development and differentiation normal tissue maintenance inflammation and immunity response cut respire cruor thrombus formation tumor transfer .

    目的:ICAM-1在胚胎的发育和分化、正常 组织 结构的维持、炎症与 免疫应答、伤口修复、凝血与血栓形成以及肿瘤的浸润和转移等多种生理、病理过程中粘附分子均具有重要作用。

  • Effect of Microwave Tissue Coagulation on the Anti tumor Immunity of Advanced Hepatoma Patients

    微波 组织凝固对晚期肝癌患者抗肿瘤 免疫力的影响

  • Because of the residues of organochlorine pesticides there is no significant difference in tissue structures of genital organs and immunity organ in agricultural area of Langfang and Chicheng .

    在该有机氯农药的残留水平下,麻雀的生殖器官和 免疫器官的 组织学结构在廊坊农区和赤城农区未见明显差异。

  • The expression of HO-1 protein increased in liver tissue of immunity liver fibrosis rat . CoPP may induce a much higher expression of increase of HO-1 which may in turn suppress the development of liver fibrosis . 2 .

    结论:1. 免疫 肝纤维化大鼠肝 组织HO-1蛋白表达增加,CoPP可诱导HO-1进一步增多,抑制了肝纤维化的发生发展。

  • With its many advantages including safety and painless effectiveness and non-destructiveness and stimulation in deep tissue magnetic stimulation has been widely used in regulation of human neurological function enhancement of human immunity and rehabilitation therapy and so on .

    磁刺激因其安全有效、无痛无损、能够进行深部 组织刺激等诸多优势,在调节人体神经功能、提高人体 免疫力及康复理疗过程等方面得到了广泛的应用。

  • The immune cells in the pulmonary interstitial tissue appeared most early ( at week 13 ) and those of the hu - man fetal bronchus appeared later ( at week 18 ) . Adaptive immunity appeared later than inherent immunity .

    结论:人胎儿 的固有 免疫出现早,其中肺间质免疫细胞出现最早(13周),而支气管黏膜的稍迟(18周);

  • TGF β 1 Expression in Tumor Tissue and Body Fluid of TCC Patients and Its Effects on Topical and Systemic Cellular Immunity

    膀胱癌患者体液和肿瘤 组织内TGFβ1水平及其对肿瘤局部和全身细胞 免疫 功能影响的研究

  • Objective To observe the expression of C4d and C4c in preeclampsia nephropathy ( PN ) tissue and to investigate the relationship between humoral immunity and PN .

    目的观察C4d和C4c在先兆子癎性肾病(PN)肾 组织中的分布,探讨PN与体液 免疫的关系。