tie one on

[taɪ wʌn ɑn][tai wʌn ɔn]


  • You can always tell a real bow tie from one that clips on .

    你总能把用夹子夹 的蝶形 领结和真的蝶形 领结分辨开来。

  • One officer had to tie down the left leg another one the right leg and so on but I was the only one to execute the condemned .

    一个人负责 左腿,另 个人负责右腿, 以此类推,但我是惟一负责处决死刑犯的人。

  • Let 's tie one on .

    让我们 一醉方休

  • Tie results of the experiments showed that under a definite wind-quantity ratio we can save the energy consumption on the one hand and avoid the germination damage of the rice grain on the other .


  • Ben : Cheers ! Let 's tie one on .

    本:干杯,让我们 一醉方休