timer command

[ˈtaɪmɚ kəˈmænd][ˈtaɪmə kəˈmɑ:nd]


  • A Design of Transmission Timer for Tracking Telemetry Command and Communication Software

    一种 测控通信软件的数据发送 定时器设计

  • The solution : Parcel the process into short steps but use a deferred command instead of a Timer .

    解决方案:把处理划分为短的步骤,但是用延期 命令替代 Timer

  • When starting the ksh_timer reads the input script provided on the command line and builds the following three files ( source file timer file and exec file ) from it .

    在启动时, ksh timer会读取 命令行提供的输入脚本,然后从中构建以下3个文件(源文件、计时器文件和exec文件)。

  • The room level node 's initialization program will initialize the UART and timer read node address collect person and illustration information and execute the command .

    房间层初始化程序包括串口及 定时 计数器初始化、读取本从机地址、采集本室内的人员及光强信息后上层 命令开关照明灯。