

  • Calls to Timon police on Saturday were not immediately returned .

    星期六打给 提蒙警方的电话没有立即回电。

  • Pumbaa Timon Harry : It 's our problem-free philosophy !


  • Timon : it means no worries for the rest of your days !


  • TIMON : No no no I mean he 's depressed .


  • Slimy ? Pumpaa my corpulent compadre it 's the crunchy ones that make the meal . ( Timon )

    粘粘的?彭彭,我的胖朋友,脆脆的一个做才的叫餐。( );

  • Timon of Athens one of Shakespeare 's last tragedies has not been estimated as highly as the playwright 's four great tragedies .

    《雅典的 泰门》是莎士比亚悲剧的晚期作品, 普遍被认为逊色于四大悲剧。

  • Timon told them to set their minds at ease for he had clean forgotten the matter .


  • The Comparison of Worrying Mentality & by Comparing and Analyzing the Characteristics of the Main Characters in Timon of Athens and Le Misanthrope

    忧患意识比较&《雅典的 泰门》、《恨世者》主人公性格特点比较分析

  • Timon on his epicurean table in past times had so liberally presented food .

    过去 泰门在他考究的筵席上能大量供应食品。

  • Unbalanced Personality Narcissism and Death Instinct in Timon


  • Nala is shocked to find Simba alive and she tells Timon and Pumbaa that he is the true king .

    娜娜发现辛巴还活着,感到兴奋异常,她告诉 和彭彭,辛巴才是真正的国王。

  • In contrast to Timon 's horror of sex Alcibiades has a normal sexual relationship with women though the women are two prostitutes .

    亚西拜地斯 没有 泰门 那样对性 表现出恐惧厌恶,而是和女人(尽管是两个妓女)有正常的性关系;

  • Timon : No no no amateur .


  • He was enriched almost to bursting with timon 's costly presents .

    泰门 的贵重礼物使他 都快胀破了。

  • I heard that it makes a Tiberium patch less valuable if you charge it at one but I am not sure . Pumbaa : ( to Timon ) Come on Timon . ( to Simba ) Anything we can do ?

    我听说如果用泰矿充能,它会减低那块泰矿的价值,但是不确定。旁巴:(对 泰蒙)别这样,泰蒙。(对辛巴)我们能为你做点什么吗?

  • She turned her back on her rival in full view of everyone . Timon : Wrong ! When the world turns its back on you you turn your back on the world .

    她当着所有人的面背对她的对手。 :错!当整个世界都背对着你的时候,你也把背对着整个世界好了。

  • This time what impressed me the most was the lifestyle of Pumbaa and Timon – they were ordinary and lived an ordinary life .

    这一次,最触动我的是彭彭和 的生活方式:他们很平凡,也过着平凡的日子。

  • Timon ( woke Harry up ): You okay kid ?


  • Timon : When I was a young meerkat .


  • He escapes into the jungle where he meets timon a wisecracking meerkat and pumbaa a big-hearted warthog .

    他逃到了丛林地带,碰到了爱说俏皮话的猫釉 和慷慨大方的野猪彭彭。

  • TIMON : Then maybe you need a new lesson !


  • Kid in times like this my buddy Timon here says .

    知道 孩子,在这种时候,我朋友 说。

  • It seemed to me that probably the years with Pumbaa and Timon were the happiest time in Simba 's life .

    在我看来,大概辛巴一生最快乐的日子就是和 彭彭丁 在一起的那段时间了吧。

  • Timon : Because of you and your scar Voldemort vanished since then !


  • Timon : And I 'll be snoozing in my hammock .


  • Who 's dancing ? Timon is dancing .

    谁在跳舞? 在跳舞。