timer mode

[ˈtaɪmɚ mod][ˈtaɪmə məud]


  • Furthermore the dynamic simulate control of plants growth by using timer mode is realized .

    使用 计时器 技术,还实现了植物形态的动态模拟控制。

  • The principle of utilizing the PWM to realize D / A when the MSP430 Timer B is working in compare mode is analyzed .

    分析了利用MSP430的 TimerB在比较 模式下输出脉宽调制(PWM)波来实现D/A转换的工作原理。

  • By using optical fiber as optical delay timer and stretching fiber in high temperature to adjust delay time precisely a 2 × 1.244 Gb / s all optical time division multiplexed experiment system is completed which meets the requirements of synchronous transfer mode ( STM ) .

    使用光纤作延迟 ,利用高温熔融拉伸法微调延迟时间,完成了2×1.244Gb/s全光时分复用系统,满足了同步传输 模式的要求。

  • This call includes the timer clock definition and timer mode ( one-shot or restart ) .

    这个调用包含计时器、时钟定义和 计时器 模式(one-shot或restart)。

  • Using timer interrupt mode and the establishment timer interrupt priority is highest has realized electric quantity gathering and the memory has guaranteed the electric quantity gathering timely request .

    利用 定时器中断 方式且设置定时器中断优先级最高,实现了电量采集与存储,保证了电量采集的实时性要求。

  • Aim Objective : To master the timer T0 T1 of the mode selection and programming methods to understand the design method of the interrupt service routine and learn skills in real-time debugging .

    实验目的目的:掌握 定时器T0、T1的 方式选择和编程方法,了解中断服务程序的设计方法,学会实时程序的调试技巧。