


  • He is a timid boy ; it 's impossible for him to brawl with anyone .

    他是一个 胆小的男孩,他不可能和任何人吵架。

  • But you 're too stupid too timid .

    但你太愚蠢太 胆小了。

  • I am a little timid and lack of self-confidence .

    我有些 胆小,缺乏自信。

  • This is not to say the austerity is timid .

    这并不是说这些紧缩措施 有些 胆小

  • The newspaper called the plan timid and unimaginative .

    该报称这一计划 谨小慎微,毫无想象力。

  • The President 's critics say he has been too timid in responding to changing international developments

    批评总统的人认为他在应对风云变幻的国际局势时过于 瞻前顾后

  • Mary 's bearing indicated that she was very timid .

    玛丽的举止表明她很 羞怯

  • A cowardly or timid person .

    胆小鬼胆小或 怯懦的人小王的胆怯是有名的。

  • John 's a timid little boy .

    约翰是个 胆小的小男孩。

  • A timid child Isabella had learned obedience at an early age .

    伊莎贝拉是一个 羞怯的孩子,很小就学会了顺从。

  • The little girl is as timid as a hare shy in the presence of strangers .

    这小姑娘 胆子 特别小,怕人。

  • He was a tall plump very timid man .

    他是个又高又胖却很 胆小的人。

  • In those days he was very timid and shy .

    那时,他非常 胆小,也很怕羞。

  • Timid thoughts do not be afraid of me . I am a poet .


  • He is too timid to venture upon an undertaking .

    他太 胆小,不敢从事任何事业。

  • He stopped in the doorway too timid to go in .

    他在门口停住了脚步, 不好意思进去。

  • This can chase me urgently bad I am timid and not to love an explanation .

    这可把我急坏了,我这个 脸皮 又不爱解释。

  • A couple of years ago when I first saw her she was a very timid girl .

    两三年前,当我第一次看到她时,她是一个非常 胆小的女孩。

  • If you 're timid loud and aggressive people are probably not good for you and vice versa .

    他们 观点有可能会影响到你,如果你 胆小,那么嗓门大的,咄咄逼人的人有可能不适合你。反过来也是一样。

  • A timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive .

    一个 胆小的男人或男孩被认为有孩子气或无侵略性。

  • Once there was a timid man who fell in love with a poor man .

    从前,有个 胆小的男人爱上了另一个穷男人。

  • She has a timid and weak-willed nature and has no definite views of her own .

    她生性 怯弱,没有主见。

  • I am a timid child when light is dead .

    当光 时我是一个 怯懦的孩子。

  • I 'm normally a very placid and timid person she said .

    我通常是一个温和而又 胆小的人,她说。

  • I wanted to take him fishing but I was too timid to ask him .

    我曾经想带他去打鱼,可是我 不好意思对他说。

  • Childish or timid person He is nothing but a chicken-hearted coward .

    孩子气的 胆怯的人他只是一个胆怯的懦夫。

  • Persuade her if timid ?

    如果她 胆小就劝说她?

  • As a result I am timid now this is not symmetric with my boy contour .

    结果是我现在很 胆小,这与我男生的外形很不相称。

  • Don 't scare her ; she 's rather timid .
