


  • Wilbur and Orville Wright had4 wanted to fly .

    威尔伯和 奥维尔赖特有4要飞。

  • County attorney : And what did Mrs. Wright do when she knew that you had gone for the coroner ?

    县法官: 赖特夫人知道你们去叫验尸官后做了些什么?

  • Frank Lloyd Wright who built an art museum in New York found inspired by Japanese seashells .


  • What is this genre that Wright is working with ?


  • This is the original Wright Flyer the world 's first manned powered aircraft .

    这是原来的 莱特飞行器,是世界上首次载人,动力,飞机。

  • Then in Dayton in 1903 the Wright brothers built an airplane with a motor and two propellers .

    1903年, 莱特兄弟在代顿制造了一架带一个发动机和两个螺旋桨的飞机。

  • Then Orville Wright and his brother Wilbur made the first aeroplane .

    然后 奥维尔·赖特和他的兄弟,威尔伯,制造第一个飞机。

  • The show also includes some of Wright 's drawings architectural models and photographs .

    这次展览还展出了 赖特的部分设计图、建筑设计模型和照片。

  • This emphasis on emerging markets is backed up by Tim Wright remuneration director at PwC .

    这种强调新兴市场的现象,在普华永道(pwc)薪酬总监提姆莱特(tim wright 那里得到了佐证。

  • Orville and Wilbur Wright made an aeroplane .

    奥维尔和 威尔伯·赖特制造一架飞机。

  • Use of concrete nature of successful case is Wright Guggenheim Museum and the Johnson Wax company system .

    运用混凝土本性成功案例是 赖特的古根海姆博物馆和约翰逊制蜡公司。

  • Wright managed a shot but it grazed the near post and rolled harmlessly across the goal .


  • The authors wish to thank Russell Wright for his valuable review and comments on early drafts of this article .

    作者要感谢Russell Wright对本文的早期草稿所提出的宝贵评论和意见。

  • Were Orville and Wilbur Wright American or English ?


  • Residents have not been unkind Wright said .

    市民们并没有表现的十分刻薄, 赖特说。

  • The Wright brothers were highly praised for having made the first flight in the world .


  • In1903 Orville and Wilbur Wright ( 2 ) made the first successful powered airplane flight .

    1903年,奥维尔·莱特和 威尔伯·莱特成功地作了第一次飞机飞行。

  • He saw a picture in a newspaper of Orville Wright and his airplane .

    他在报纸上看到了一张 奥维尔特和他的飞机在一起的照片。

  • Three Scientists and Their Gods : Looking For Meaning in An Age of Information by Robert Wright .


  • Will Wright the creator of the Sims and spore predicts a merging of game worlds with reality .


  • Jane : I 'm Jane wright the Secretary in his company .

    简:我叫 简怀特,他公司的秘书。

  • Against which country did Ian Wright score his first international goal ?

    在与哪个国家的比赛中 伊恩·赖特打进了他在国际比赛中的首粒进球?

  • The Wright brothers pioneered in early aviation .


  • When they were young boys Orville and Wilbur Wright received an inexpensive toy from their father .

    当奥威尔和威尔伯. 怀特还是小男孩的时候,他们从父亲那里得到了一个便宜的玩具。

  • Wright and Penn met when they co-starred in the movie ' State of Grace ' .


  • So what we have is this marketing juggernaut getting interested in Wright 's autobiography .

    所以我们知道了这股强大营销的力量看中了 莱特的自传,于是他们要了这本书。

  • Black literature entered into the contemporary age since Langston Hughes and Richard Wright .

    自理 查德·赖特和兰斯顿·休斯起,黑人文学进入了现代时期。

  • Wright 's ingenious master of natural light as if the internal space is filled with abundant life .
