
[ˈraɪtˌɔf, -ˌɑf][raɪt ɒf]


  • The car was a complete write-off .

    这车彻底 报废了。

  • Other big banks have slowed their write-off rate as well .

    其他大银行业也放缓了他们的 冲销速度。

  • This method will gain and loss write-off match together thereby reducing the profit volatility qualify for hedge purposes .

    这方法将收益与损失 冲销匹配起来,从而降低了利润的波动性,符合对冲的目的。

  • Today was really a bit of a write-off for me

    今天对我来说真的有点儿 白白 浪费了。

  • The ECB and commercial banks would hold esdra bonds at par or with a modest discount eliminating the current risk of a complete write-off .

    欧洲央行和商业银行可按平价或小幅折价持有 esdra债券,这就消除了 它们目前面临的要将希腊债务一笔勾销的风险。

  • The car was a write-off after the accident .

    出事后,这辆汽车成了一 废铁

  • Mr James persuaded the banks to accept a large write-off of debt .

    詹姆斯先生说服银行同意 注销一大笔债务。

  • After the accident the car was a complete write-off .

    出事以后,那辆汽车完全 报废了。

  • A past-due receivable is a candidate for write-off as a credit loss .

    一笔逾期的应收款可能被作为信用损失 核销

  • In some situations use of the direct write-off method is acceptable .

    在某些情况下,使用直接 核销法是可以接受的。

  • But make no mistake . Another Greek debt write-off is coming .

    不过请不要弄错了。希腊债务即将 再次

  • A severe debt write-off by Greece and Portugal is a foregone conclusion ; and in my view both countries would be better off without the euro .

    希腊和葡萄牙 大笔 勾销债务是预料中的必然结局;在我看来,如果退出欧元区,两国的境况将会更好。

  • Been so we began to prepare write-off information .

    等得到后,开始准备 核销的资料。

  • The inevitable defaults from the 2008 stimulus program will eventually force the system to take a major write-off .

    2008年出台的刺激计划造成了不可避免的违约,这最终将迫使 银行业进行大规模的 资产

  • But the big question is whether even this extra aid would avert a debt write-off .

    但重要的问题在于,即便得到了这种额外援助, 葡萄牙能否防止债务

  • The car was a write-off but everyone escaped unharmed

    汽车 报废了,但是大家都安然脱险。

  • Consequently the direct write-off method is acceptable because its use does not have a material effect on the reported net income .

    因此直接 核销法是可行的,因为它的使用不会对净收益报告有重大影响。

  • Any more intense the whole planet 's a write-off .

    再强烈 ,整个地球都会 毁掉

  • So political factors may eventually make another write-off both necessary and feasible .

    因此,在政治因素的 驱使下,最终 再次 希腊 债务可能变得既必要又可行。

  • Write-off ratios for credit card and cash card loans are at worryingly high levels as some of the overstretched borrowers who were allowed to renegotiate their debt last year are again defaulting .

    一些债务负担过于沉重的借款人去年曾获准与银行重新商谈债务安排,但随着他们再次无力偿还贷款,信用卡和现金卡贷款的 销账率正处于令人担心的高位。

  • First the write-off losses imposed on taxpayers would destabilise the sound countries .

    第一,把 减值损失强加到纳税人头上,将陷稳健国家于不稳定之中。

  • For him the rest of the decade was a creative write-off .

    对他来说,这个十年所余下的时间是一段创作 空白

  • There 's a bomb or some huge write-off at a bank . You just have to get through it .

    哪儿有一颗炸弹,或是哪家银行出现了巨额 。你只能挺过去。

  • Study on the Problems about the Creation and Write-off Mechanism of Put Warrant

    我国认沽权证创设 注销机制问题研究

  • Write-off to charge an asset amount to expense or loss in order to reduce the value of that asset and one 's earnings .

    将一项资产的价值金额 记入开支或损失项下,以减低资产或有关盈利的价值。

  • It is possible the tax write-off alone will make homebuying right for you .

    可能税务 减免是你购房时的有利因素。

  • When the direct write-off method is in use the accounts receivable will be listed in the balance sheet at their gross amount and no valuation allowance will be used .

    当使用直接 核销法时,资产负债表列示应收账款的总额,不使用备抵账户。

  • The car 's a write-off but he 's all right .

    汽车成了 废物,不过他没事儿。