


  • Get out an old photo album or high school yearbook .

    取出一个老影集或高中 年鉴

  • Source : Education Statistical Yearbook in china .

    中国教育统计 年鉴

  • That 's me & this is my college yearbook photo .

    这个人是?就是我,这是我的大学 年鉴照片。

  • I really wanted you to sign my yearbook .

    我很想 你给我 签名

  • This will be great in the yearbook .

    这个在 年鉴上会很 适合

  • Sources : IMF Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook 2003 .

    资料来源:IMF《国际收支统计 年鉴 ,2003年。

  • You still have your high school yearbook .

    你应该还留有你高中的 课本

  • Statistical yearbook of china published by the State Statistical bureau ;

    国家统计局出版的《中国统计 年鉴

  • Source : United Nations Industrial Development Organization International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2003 .

    资料来源:联合国工发组织 国际工业统计 年鉴 2003年。

  • Jamie I signed your yearbook .

    洁蜜,我写完了你的 同学

  • The data sources are derived from S county 's health financial yearbook in2009 and the key person 's interviews .

    资料来源于2009年S县卫生财务 年报数据库,并开展了关键人物访谈。

  • Look I found our old camp yearbook .

    看,我找到了我们以前的露营 纪念

  • I 've got ben 's college yearbook here .

    我拿到了班的大学 记事本了。

  • ChinaCity Statistical Yearbook 1985 ~ 2009 . Beijing : China Statistics Press .

    中国城市统计 年鉴,1985~2009。北京:中国统计出版社。

  • When and where can I purchase copies of the Yearbook ?

    我什么时候、在哪里可以买到 年鉴

  • This week the yearbook interviews me and the girl from Mexico .

    这个星期, 学校 年鉴 杂志采访了我和那个墨西哥女孩, 非常 有趣

  • Source : United Nations Energy Statistics Yearbook 2000 .

    资料来源:联合国 能源统计 年鉴 2000年。

  • This yearbook did he happen to take that with him as well ?

    那本 年鉴他也拿走了?

  • Research on Improving the Statistics of Real Estate in China Statistical Yearbook

    对改进《中国统计 年鉴 中商业地产统计的探讨

  • In fact our yearbook had a section that lists the names of students and what they were never seen without .

    其实,我们的 年鉴有一栏列出了学生们的名字和从来都是与他们在一起的东西。

  • I postponed yearbook . I gotta work on my speech

    我把 年鉴推迟了.我要准备我的演讲

  • In addition I 'm the editor of our yearbook .

    另外,我还是我们 年鉴的编辑。

  • China real estate statistics yearbook .

    中国房地产统计 年鉴

  • A yearbook contains information about the past events for that year and has pictures of all the graduating students .


  • Finally studies have been done of college yearbook photos looking at people thirty years later .

    最后,所做的研究是,30年后大学 年鉴上人们的照片。

  • These will be available for purchase online when the Yearbook is published in September .


  • And then take a picture for the yearbook .

    然后拍张照片 放到 年鉴

  • This is the yearbook for 1990 .

    这是1990年 年鉴

  • The yearbook also noted a sharp drop in reported cases of sexually transmitted disease .

    年鉴同时指出,性传播疾病报告病例数显 下降。