

[计] 年到日

  • China 's equity market is down 60 per cent year-to-date in part because of fears that the world 's second largest economy is finally beginning to cool .

    今年 迄今,中国股市已下跌60%,部分原因是投资者担心这个全球第二大经济体最终已开始降温。

  • The Shenzhen Comp is now up 93.7 per cent year-to-date easily outperforming every other market on the globe .

    今年 迄今,深证综指已上涨 93.7%,轻而易举地击败全球其他股市。

  • Asia Pacific ex-Japan deal sizes are up 40 per cent year-to-date according to Thomson Financial .

    汤姆森金融(ThomsonFinancial)称, 今年 目前 为止,亚太地区(日本除外)的交易规模 去年 同期增长了40%。

  • As a laggard market in 2006 the Korean market has rebounded outperforming the region year-to-date .

    尽管在2006年表现落后,韩国市场 今年以来强劲反弹,在亚洲表现 领先

  • Meanwhile the CRB commodity index is up 4 % year-to-date .

    同时,路透商品研究局(CRB)商品价格指数 年初 以来 已经 上涨了4%。

  • US-listed IPOs total less than $ 15bn year-to-date the slowest pace since 2010 .

    今年 迄今,美国市场上的IPO融资总规模还不到150亿美元,为2010年以来的最低水平。

  • The index is up 44 per cent year-to-date .

    今年 迄今,该指数已上涨44%。

  • His fortune is valued at US $ 72.7 billion up 16 percent year-to-date .

    他的财富价值 727亿美元, 去年 同期上涨了16%。

  • The fund has outperformed the MSCI Emerging Markets index year-to-date up marginally by0.45 % .

    从年初至今,该基金微幅上涨了0.45%,其表现优于摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCI EmergingMarketsindex)。

  • Shares of the retailer as of this past Friday were down 26 % year-to-date .

    这家零售商的股价 至上周五 年初下跌26%。

  • As of yesterday HP ( HPQ ) stock was down 40 % over the last 12 months and 44 % year-to-date .

    至昨天 为止,惠普的股价在过去12个月中已经跌去40%; 年初 至今 44%。

  • The widely held Class B shares are up 5.9 per cent year-to-date .

    众多 投资者所持有的B类股 今年 迄今累计上涨 5.9%

  • Its shares Thursday rose 21 cents to $ 29.34 on the Nasdaq Stock Market and are up 13 % year-to-date .

    微软股价周四在纳斯达克市场上涨0.21美元至29.34美元, 今年 以来 涨幅为13%。

  • The stock market which hit new highs on Thursday has risen 11 per cent in the past month for a year-to-date gain of 58 per cent .

    香港股市周四再次创下新高,在过去一个月内上涨11%,而其 今年迄今 为止 累计 涨幅为58%。

  • Sinopec the refinery arm of China 's oil and gas triumvirate has seen its share price rise 34 per cent year-to-date comfortably outpacing PetroChina .

    中国油气行业三巨头中的炼油巨擘中石化( Sinopec), 今年迄今为止股价 累计上涨34%,轻松超越了中石油。

  • The past two days ' trading alone have lifted year-to-date average trading value by 6 per cent . The stock is not cheap priced at 35 times estimated 2016 earnings .

    仅过去两天的成交量就让 今年 迄今的平均成交量提高了6%。 所股票并不便宜,按2016年估计盈利计算达到了35倍市盈率。

  • The income statement account usually want to be reflect by their monthly total or by the year-to-date .

    损益表账户通常反映月份合计或 年初 至今 信息

  • The bank thinks casino stocks & which have fallen around 14 % year-to-date compared with a largely flat Hang Seng Index - now look attractive as China 's incremental efforts to ease companies ' access to credit add up to a big effect on the broader economy .

    渣打认为,博彩类股现在颇具吸引力,因中国内地放宽企业信贷渠道的渐进举措累加起来对整体经济产生了很大的影响。博彩类股 今年 迄今下跌了14%左右,而恒生指数大致持平。

  • Recently-announced fourth quarter earnings fell short of analysts ' forecasts and shares are down by a quarter year-to-date under-performing Hong Kong 's benchmark Hang Seng Index .

    该公司最近发布的第四季度业绩低于分析人士的预期,其股价 今年 迄今已跌去四分之一,走势弱于香港基准的 恒生指数。

  • Not only have Chinese A-shares deflated sharply in price but daily turnover on mainland stock exchanges has slumped by about 40 per cent from its year-to-date average says Macquarie .

    麦格理(Macquarie)表示,不仅A股股价大幅下挫,中国内地证交所的日成交量也 今年 迄今 为止的平均水平下降了约40%。

  • Year-to-date volume is down a whopping 38 % including nearly 45 % in the U.S.

    今年 迄今 交易量已经大降38%,其中美国剧减近45%。

  • Year-to-date European M & A is at a 10-year low and quarter-over-quarter volume fell approximately 42 % .

    今年 迄今,欧洲并购量已降至十年低点,季度环比下降约42%。

  • That will be harder to do when China has just saved 3 GM jobs not to mention on Hummer 's year-to-date numbers demand for 48 tyres .

    当中国刚刚挽救了通用3000个就业岗位时,这将更难以做到更不用说, 悍马 今年 迄今对轮胎的需求量就达到4.8万条。

  • That puts 2011 so far ahead of the boom years according to Dealogic with deal volumes higher than in any year-to-date period since 2000 .


  • The dollar index which weighs the US currency against a basket of other global currencies is almost flat for the year-to-date having risen just 0.3 per cent .

    美元指数 今年 迄今 为止几乎持平,仅仅上升了0.3%。该指数将美元与其他全球性货币 组成的一篮子货币进行比较。

  • Sources say mudrick capital is flat year-to-date during a brutal year for most funds .

    消息人士称,尽管今年大多数基金都损失惨重,但 MudrickCapital自年初 以来一直持平。

  • The increase in urban fixed asset investment fell for the third straight month to 25.9 per cent year-to-date down from 26.1 per cent the month before .

    今年1至5月,城镇固定资产投资同比增长 25.9%,低于1至4月26.1%的增幅,为连续第三个月出现回落。

  • However you need to understand that IBM Cognos Controller stores information as a year-to-date and needs to be broken down into its monthly amount or even quarterly .

    然而,您需要了解IBMCognos Controller存储的是 今年 的信息并需要将其分解为每月或每季度的金额。

  • But even there the larger picture is cloudy with year-to-date activity down 10 percent .

    但即便这样,如果将 时间 拉长,形势也 不容乐观, 今年 迄今交易量下降了10%。