zero balance

[ˈzɪro ˈbæləns][ˈziərəu ˈbæləns]


  • The differential transformer secondary windings are connected in subtractive series so that the output is zero at balance .

    差功变压器的次级线圈接成反向串联,以便在 平衡时输出为

  • Zero interest rate commitment changing the central bank balance sheet structure and scale become the operational methods of the central bank .

    利率政策承诺、改变央行 资产 负债表结构和规模成为量化宽松货币政策的操作方法。

  • The chaotic trajectory of the controlled 4-D system can be controlled to return to its zero balance point under different initial conditions .

    在不同的初始条件下,所设计的控制器可以将受控四维混沌系统的混沌轨道很快控制到系统的 平衡点。

  • Zero oxygen balance of emulsion explosive shall be meet by use of a certain content of composite fuel oil .

    油相材料的用量满足整体乳化炸药 平衡即可。

  • The core of risk management is not to pursue zero risk which is unrealistic but to achieve the balance of risks and benefits and acquire the good operating income eventually on the premise of tolerable risk .

    风险管理的核心不是要追求不切实际的 风险,而是要达到风险和收益的 平衡,并在风险可容忍的前提下最终取得良好经营收益。

  • The sealing and drive mechanism performance of the sampling device are examined in accordance with the transient pressure zero balance method and in combination with the field practice .

    按照等速采样的瞬时压力 零点 平衡法,结合现场应用实践,检验了采样装置的密封和传动机构性能。

  • A charge account that does not have to be paid to zero balance .

    不必完全 偿清 款项的帐户。

  • We propose two optimization principles : ( I ) the number of memory access in kernels can be decreased to zero by coupling a substantial unit and a sub-key storage unit ; ( II ) reorganizing the basic operations to balance delay distribution .

    提出分组密码处理器优化的两个原则:①增加置换单元和子密钥存储单元,将核心运算期间的访存次数减少为 ;②对基本操作进行重新组合, 均衡延迟分布。

  • The dynamic sampling and damping value setting in online infrared moisture meter material calibration were analyzed it was proposed using zero balance time method to compromise the efficiency and accuracy in dynamic sampling .

    对于在线红外水分仪在实物定标中存在的动态取样和阻尼值设置的问题进行了分析,提出了采用动态取样 平衡时间法解决动态取样的效率和准确性之间存在的矛盾;

  • The trouble is that it says nothing about the level of output at which the zero balance is achieved .

    问题在于,这种方法 没有提到 平衡点的产量是多少。

  • In this paper firstly a series of compositions were designed according to the basic required ingredients of pyrotechnic material and zero oxygen balance .

    本文首先按照烟火药材料的基本组成,在遵循 平衡的基础上,初步设计了系列配方;

  • Compensating the Large Thermal Zero Shift of Pressure Sensor by Using the Automatic Balance

    利用自 平衡电桥消除压力传感器的大热 零点漂移

  • In this thesis a new MIMO channel estimate scheme based on zero correlation zone ( ZCZ ) implicit training sequences with balance property is proposed .

    首先,论文针对隐含序列信道估计方案中直流偏移量对信道估计性能的影响,提出了基于 平衡ZCZ( 相关区)隐含训练序列的无直流偏移MIMO信道估计方案。

  • It introduced a practical transducer circuit of fully active Whetstone Bridge for pressure measuring . It analyzed the principles and techniques applied in the circuit such as adjustment and transfer of zero / range bridge balance by negative feedback and damping of output signal .

    介绍了扩散硅压力变送器这种实用电阻有源 惠斯登全电桥传感器电路,定性分析了其电路原理,定量分析了 零点/量程的调整及迁移、输出信号反馈方式等技术措施和性能。

  • The prescription is determined and filled through zero - oxygen - balance ;


  • He said that astronauts returning from the zero gravity of space often have trouble with balance .

    他告诉我们,宇航员适应了太空的 微重力环境,回到地球后 平衡 会出现问题。

  • Based on the Lyapunov stability theory the designed controller is proved enable to globally stabilize asymptotically the controlled system to return to its zero balance point and minimize the proposed cost functional .

    基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,证明了所设计的控制器能够使受控系统全局渐近稳定到系统的 平衡点,并且使所提出的目标泛函取得极小值。

  • High volume and zero - balance hemofiltration was performed in HF group .

    HF组使用高容量、 平衡血滤。

  • Here the current account balance that we attach more importance to does not need to be zero for each period but to be sustainable as long as its net discounted value of the intertemporal balance is under equilibrium .

    在该定义中,我们关注的经常账户余额并不要求在总量上每期都要 ,而是要求在满足跨期净现值为 的情况下每期只要达到经常 账户的可维持性 余额即可。

  • Thus the employee has the cash the customer 's account shows a zero balance due and the books are in balance .

    这样一来,员工拿了钱,客户的账户上显示 余额 ,会计账目也是平衡的。

  • In this paper under the basic assumptions of sideslip angle to zero and aircraft moment balance the motion equations are established .

    本文基于侧滑角为 和作用在飞行器上的力矩 平衡的基本假设条件下,建立运动方程。

  • Treatment strategy of disequilibrium at zero - balance check of reservoir simulator

    油气藏模拟中 平衡失效的处理对策研究

  • The Climatic Effects Due to Atmospheric Aerosols in Zero dimensional Energy Balance Climate Model

    维能量 平衡气候模型分析大气气溶胶的气候效应