year of account

[jɪr ʌv əˈkaʊnt][jə: ɔv əˈkaunt]


  • For its part the US launched an Invest in America initiative just over a year ago promising to help foreign investors navigate the thickets of bureaucracy and take their interests into account in regulatory reviews .

    就在一 多以前,美国推出了投资美国计划,承诺帮助外国投资者通过错综复杂 官僚程序,在监管审查中 重视他们的利益。

  • Mark Williams at Capital Economics said the figures indicated that pressure for monetary tightening had actually eased since the beginning of the year if the timing of the festivities was taken into account .

    伦敦资本经济(CapitalEconomics)的马克·威廉姆斯(MarkWilliams)表示,如果将春节假期的时间 因素纳入 考虑范围,从数据上看,自 今年年初以来,要求收紧货币政策的压力实际上还有所减轻。

  • Set a goal for this year : Save the maximum percentage of my salary in my company's401 ( k ) plan or if my firm doesn 't offer a plan put the maximum possible in an Individual Retirement Account .

    在公司缴纳养老金保险计划中按最高百分数缴纳,或者,如果公司没有提供,在”个人退休 帐户“中尽量多 存钱

  • In China wheat is the second largest crop with a mean cultivation area of 29 million ha per year and a total production of 112 billion Kg ( 1996-2000 ) which account for 25 % of all crops .

    在中国,小麦是仅次于水稻的第二大主要粮食作物, 年均种植面积2900万ha,总产量1120亿Kg,其种植面积和总产量均 我国粮食作物的1/4左右。

  • Once at least in every year the accounts of the Company shall be examined and the correctness of the profit and loss account and balance-sheet ascertained by one or more Auditor or Auditors .

    公司 每年至少查帐一次, 损益及资产负债情况的准确性应由一个或多个审计员进行审查。

  • Experts predict that in the year of 2050 coal consumption will account for about 50 percent in energy resource consumption so coal is still the main energy sources .

    专家预计到2050 煤炭在国民经济发展中的消费比例仍将 50%左右,煤炭在能源消费中的主体地位依然存在。

  • The author classifies with account receivable focus on the year of account receivable and influences on enterprise business administration . These are classified as two kinds & daily account receivable and capital account receivable .

    作者对应收账款进行了分类,并以应收账款的 账龄以及其对企业经营管理活动的影响为主,把应收账款分为日常 的应 收账款和资本性的应收账款。

  • METHODS Be statisticed year by year the all variety classify amount of consume and money of the eye drops on account in our hospital drug storehouse and analysised .

    方法 逐年统计我院药库 帐目所消耗滴眼剂的全部品种、分类、消耗量和金额并进行分析。

  • Meanwhile earlier this year China 's central bank governor caused a stir in global currency markets when he proposed replacing the US dollar as the world 's reserve currency with Special Drawing Rights the IMF 's unit of account .

    与此同时, 今年早些时候,中国央行行长在全球外汇市场引发一阵波动。他提议,用IMF的货币单位特别 提款权(SDR)取代美元,作为世界储备货币。

  • In 2010 the seventh successive year of current account surpluses the overseas financing ratio had fallen only slightly to 38 per cent .

    到了2010年,菲律宾已经连续7 实现经常 账户盈余,然而海外资金所占比例仅小幅缩减到38%。

  • Worldwide each year because of the expansive soil problems caused economic losses so the expansive soil studies are also taken into account in the world within .

    每年全世界因为膨胀土问题造成的经济损失惨重,所以膨胀土的研究也是世界范围内 考虑的问题。

  • To be eligible for the first year fee waiver the additional cardholder must make at least one transaction ( including cash advance ) within the first month of opening the card account .

    附属卡持卡人须在发卡后首月内签 消费最少一次(包括现金透支),方可豁免首 年费。

  • While the global economy was laboring in the past year Asia has accumulated a mountain of international reserves by running current account surpluses and attracting fdi while not allowing Asian currencies to rise .

    当全球经济在过去 中缓慢而艰难的发展时,亚洲已经通过实现经常 帐户盈余和吸引外商直接投资,同时禁止亚洲货币上涨,来积累大量国际储备。

  • Over the past year I 've cut the number of magazines to which I subscribe dropped to basic cable and cancelled my Audible account .

    过去的几 ,我不再续订杂志,有线电视费也降到最低,取消了我的收听

  • Currently 50 million people worldwide die from traffic accidents each year while the number of people in China die each year from traffic accidents account for about one-fifth of the world ranking first in the world .

    目前,全球 每年有50万人死于交通事故,而中国 每年死于交通事故的人数约 全球的五分之一,居世界首位。

  • Using the figures of last year as illustration the total amount of what is called current account transactions is equivalent to3.9 times the gross domestic product .

    去年的国际收支平衡数字为例,本港的经常 交易总额相当于本地生产总值的3.9倍。

  • This initiative last year was surprising given the nascent stage of development of the local mutual fund industry and even more so since China has a closed capital account with the mobility of capital internationally highly regulated and restricted .

    考虑 中国本土基金业发展还处于萌芽阶段, 去年的这项举措令人惊讶。而考虑 中国没有开放资本 帐户,资金的国际流动受到高度监管和限制,此举就更加惊人了。

  • I get a physical examination once a year . The inspection of the property may be carried out at the time annual review of the account .

    我一 做一次身体检查。在进行年度 帐户复核的同时可以对公司的抵押财产进行检查。