total angular momentum

[ˈtotl ˈæŋɡjəlɚ moˈmɛntəm][ˈtəutəl ˈæŋgjələ məuˈmentəm]


  • When the total angular momentum is nonzero as a result fo the external disturbance the instantaneous axis of rotation will deflect a constant angle within the main rigid body and oscillate about this position at the same time the axis will rotate slowly in the inertial space .

    如外部扰动引起 动量 不为零,则瞬时旋转轴在主刚体内产生常值偏角并在此位置附近振荡,同时在惯性空间中缓慢偏转。

  • As a whole the beam will therefore impart no total angular momentum to a target .

    因此,整个说来,这种光束将不传给靶任何 动量

  • Therefore there is a total angular momentum which is the vectorial sum of the two .

    因此, 动量,有两个向量。

  • There are three or four momentum wheels per-spacecraft which contribute to the major portion of the total angular momentum of the spacecraft in a small volume .

    每个宇宙飞船上有三个或四个动量轮,这些动量轮虽然体积小,但是其 动量占宇宙飞船 总角 动量的绝大部分。

  • Moreover NLCs are affected by both the spin and the orbital angular momentum of light providing good material to check the total angular momentum conservation law .

    选择液晶是因为它们强烈的双折射提供了一种简单的方法去观察它们 着激光 光轴的旋转。

  • Results show that the introduction of this scheme improves predictions of zonal temperature and wind fields in tropical troposphere and simulates better the total eddy angular momentum flux .

    结果表明,在冬季,包络地形方案对低纬地区的温度场和风场的预报略有改进,对 涡旋 动量通量的模拟也较好。

  • So we transform it to total angular momentum representation in instant form and explore the physical contents of the meson radial eigen equations .

    所以我们把这一哈密顿量变换到瞬时形式下 总角 动量表象中,并仔细分析所得到的介子径向本征方程的物理内涵。

  • Carrying out a series of Monte-Carlo simulations the works of orbital elements of binaries are recalculated considering the influence of initial metallicity on S-process nucleosynthesis of intrinsic AGB stars and here we adopt wind accretion scenario with the total angular momentum conservation .

    本文采用星风质量吸积的 动量守恒模型,并考虑到初始金属丰度对AGB星s-过程核合成的影响,用Monte-Carlo方法研究了弱钡星系统和强钡星系统的轨道根 的变化规律。

  • When the main swirl angular momentum flux is about equal to in cylinder air total angular momentum flux stable swirl formation interface is shaped .

    当缸内空气主涡流动量矩流率与缸内空气 动量 流率近似相等时,就形成了始稳面;

  • In this paper the total atomic angular momentum quantum number J value and the Round factor value have been determined by using the Zeeman effect experiment result .

    由塞曼效应实验结果去确定原子的 总角 动量量子数J值和朗德因子g值,近而去确定原子 轨道 动量量子数 L 自旋量子数S的数值。

  • The attitude motion equations were formulated for the spacecraft under a nonholonomic constraint resulting from the constant time-rate of its total angular momentum . The original control problem could be converted to a motion planning problem of a drift-free system .

    为此考虑系统 动量为零的情况下,将航天器姿态运动方程化为非完整形式约束方程,系统的控制问题可转化为无漂移系统的非完整运动规划问题。

  • The front form meson eigen equations are formulated in momentum-helicity representation which hinders its solution in total angular momentum representation .

    该哈密顿量所对应的光前形式下的介子本征方程是在螺旋度-动量表象下表述的,不便于得到介子 总角 动量信息。