


v.收紧( tighten的现在分词 )(使)变紧(使)绷紧加紧

  • The surge in Renminbi interest rates in funding and forex markets also reflects an unexpected tightening of liquidity conditions .

    融资和外汇市场上人民币利率的大幅上升,也反映了流动性状况的意外 收紧

  • Tension the engine by aligning the hooks and tightening the spindles at the same time .

    通过同时对齐挂钩和 拧紧芯轴拉紧发动机。

  • Attempted tightening on this scale would dampen the economy and risk creating a vicious cycle of debt and deflation .

    如此大规模的 紧缩尝试将对经济构成打击,并可能会制造一个债务和通缩的恶性循环。

  • The rebels are tightening the noose around the capital

    叛乱分子正在 收紧对首都的包围。

  • Would withdrawal of current extraordinary liquidity and deposit guarantees accelerate or offset monetary tightening ?

    撤消目前的特别流动性和存款担保,会促进还是抵消货币 紧缩作用?

  • The tightening of credit since the crisis has only exacerbated this anxiety .

    危机以来对信贷的 收紧加重了这一担忧。

  • The new measures are aimed at tightening existing sanctions .

    新措施旨在 加强现行的制裁。

  • If this is inhibited by fiscal tightening recovery will be strangled .

    如果财政 紧缩抑制了这种 支出,那么复苏就将被扼杀。

  • Now suppose that instead of keeping calm the authorities are frightened into premature monetary and fiscal tightening .

    现在假设一下,如果各国政府不是保持冷静,而是被吓得过早实施了货币和财政 紧缩 政策

  • Surveys of businesses and banks have shown no pervasive tightening of credit .

    对企业和银行的调查显示没有任何普遍的信用 紧缩

  • Such statistics have lessened the need for the US Federal Reserve to be aggressive in tightening monetary policy .

    这类统计数据降低了美联储大幅 紧缩货币政策的必要性。

  • At some stage these tightening measures will have a real impact on the real economy .

    在某个阶段,这些 紧缩措施将对实体经济产生实际影响。

  • Would tightening fiscal and monetary policy at the same time be the remedy ?

    同时 收紧财政和货币政策会解决问题吗?

  • The troops are tightening their stranglehold on the city

    部队正在 加强对该市的控制。

  • It needs tightening up a little .

    它还需要 收紧些。

  • Maybe I am too pessimistic about the implications for demand of the envisaged fiscal tightening .

    对于设想中的财政 紧缩对需求会产生的影响,也许我的想法太悲观了。

  • Boylan plays with language letting the prose sprawl about before tightening it suddenly to great effect

    博伊兰随心所欲地驾驭着语言,先是任文章自由 铺展,然后猛地收住,产生了绝好的效果

  • Goldman analysts downgraded the region in November because of significant stock run-ups signs of speculation and possible policy tightening to curb inflation .

    11月份的时候,高盛分析师对中国股市进行了降级处理,因为重要的股票 起伏不定,有消息称国家将出台政策抑制通货膨胀。

  • Ironically until recently China had been pursuing monetary and fiscal tightening to fight inflation .

    具有讽刺意味的是,直到最近,中国还一直奉行 紧缩性的货币和财政 政策,以抗击通胀。

  • With a lag that tightening has had the predicted result .

    这些 紧缩 政策在滞后了一段时间后达到了预期的结果。

  • First we are now seeing a policy-driven tightening in monetary policy .

    首先,我们看到了政策推动型的货币政策 紧缩

  • The anchorman flung his whole weight back tightening the rope

    那个 压阵队员使尽了全身力气往后拽,把绳子拉 紧紧的。

  • Luke answered by tightening his grip on her shoulder

    卢克的回应就是把她的肩头抓 了。

  • Refer to tools and tightening torques in chapter removing camshaft housing !

    参阅章节“拆卸凸轮轴室”中的工具和 拧紧力矩!

  • I regulate the tempo by tightening and loosening .

    节奏调控 收紧和放松有高有低。

  • China had already begun to implement tightening measures when it raised interest rates and increased reserve requirements last month .

    中国已经开始实施一些 紧缩措施&上个月提高了利率,并且提高了存款准备金要求。

  • The direction of rotation must be observed when loosening and tightening .

    松开和 拧紧时必须注意旋转方向。

  • Observe loosening and tightening sequence !

    请遵循松开和 拧紧顺序!