tight rate

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  • New Thoughts on ROP Increase in the Tight Gas Reservoirs of Xujiahe Formation Western Sichuan Basin Improvement of penetration rate with hydraulic pulsating-cavitation jet compound drilling technology

    川西地区须家河组 致密气藏钻井提速新思路利用水力脉冲空化射流复合钻井技术提高钻

  • The tight control over its exchange rate marks a new phase in what Brazil has called the currency war in which it has accused its trading partners of deliberately weakening their currencies to make their exports more competitive .

    巴西 严格管制 汇率标志着巴西所谓的货币战争进入新的阶段。巴西在这场货币战争中指责其贸易伙伴故意压低它们的货币,以增强各自出口产品的竞争力。

  • Banded texture or tight threadlike texture were obtained in high molecular weight species according to high or low shear rate the respective fibril structures were discussed .

    高分子量BN的取向织构根据剪切 速率大小可得到条带织构或 细丝状织构,并对相应的微纤结构进行了讨论。

  • The formation lithology of Yanchang group is complicated in East Ordos Basin and the serious hole-instability including serious sloughing tight hole sections and unfavorable hole enlargement often happens in drilling process which is very unfavorable to improve penetration rate in the block .

    鄂尔多斯盆地东部延长组岩性复杂,钻进过程中常伴有严重的井壁失稳,表现为掉块、 径、部分井段井径扩大等井下复杂情况,极不利于提高该区块的钻井 速度

  • Moreover the relation between the loss rate of water and the drying shrinkage of binder paste is tight and namely free shrinkage was increased with the increase of loss rate of weight .

    同时,发现碱作用下水泥基材料的水分损失与收缩过程 密切相关,即浆体的收缩随着 水分的损失更加明显。

  • It points out that if the signal is sparse or compressible in an orthogonal basis or tight framework we can sample at the rate of far below the Nyquist and reconstruct the original signal accurately .

    它指出若信号在某个正交基或 框架下是可压缩的,那么就可以以远低于奈奎斯特定理所要求的采样 进行采样,并准确重构出所需要的信号。

  • Because of tight structure smaller bulk higher distinguish rate often no heat and easier to be controlled piezoelectric actuators get better well-round application .

    由于压电驱动器结构 紧凑、体积小、 分辨率高、通常情况下几乎不发热且易于控制,已在微位移驱动与控制上获得了比较成熟的应用。

  • Conclusion tight control of the dripping rate of intravenous ciprofloxacin can decrease the incurrence of phlebitis in a marked degree .

    结论 严格控制环丙沙星静脉点滴 速度可以显著减少静脉炎的发生。

  • Conclusions Decreasing of preventive usage keeping a tight antimicrobial regime could reduce the usage rate of antimicrobial agent ;

    结论减少预防性用药, 严格掌握抗菌药物的使用可降低抗菌药物的应用

  • Chinese officials are so sensitive on the subject of the weakening dollar and their tight control of their own currency the yuan that they have urged participants not to discuss the exchange rate issue that has been so heatedly debated on both sides of the Pacific .

    中国官员对于美元贬值和 严格管制人民币汇率的话题非常敏感,已敦促参与各方不要谈论太平洋两岸热议的 汇率问题。

  • Once the money market turns tight and the interest rate rise the housing market may be beset with crises .

    一旦银根 收紧利率 高,住宅市场的危机不容忽视。

  • The eagerness of the employers to recruit new staff and the pressure of a tight job market on graduates contribute much to the high job-hopping rate he said .

    用人渴望应聘新员工的心理和毕业生面临的 紧张就业都可频繁跳槽的 机率

  • Combustion system for industrial boiler is a complicated time-varying and dynamic process with obvious non-linearity tight coupling long time lags and strong interference . So it 's hard to achieve ideal control performance and higher rate of auto-control in operation with conventional control algorithms .

    工业锅炉燃烧系统是一个复杂的时变动态过程,具有很强的非线性、 耦合、大滞后、强干扰,传统的控制算法很难使之达到理想的控制效果和较高的自动投运

  • High-dose β - blockers and tight heart rate control reduce myocardial ischemia and troponin T release in vascular surgery patients

    血管外科患者接受大剂量β受体阻断剂及 严格 心率控制治疗可减少心肌缺血及肌钙蛋白T释放

  • Then the government could either tolerate the higher inflation and keep its present tight control on appreciation of the currency or allow a faster rate of appreciation and keep inflation under control .

    在这种情况下,政府或者可以容忍更高的通胀率,并保持对货币升值的 严格控制,或者可以允许货币 加快升值,并确保通胀得到控制。

  • After brain ischemia the tight junctions of BBB are disrupted transcytosis vesicles are increased and leukocytes adherence and migration rate is enhanced .

    脑缺血后,血脑屏障间 紧密连接破坏,胞饮小泡数量增加,白细胞粘附迁移 增加。

  • To counter the damage of the hydraulic powered supports caused by dynamic load in coal faces with hard tight roof and rockburst this paper deals with the design procedure and operating characteristics of the large flow rate rapid yield pressure relief valve .

    本文针对我国坚硬难冒及具有冲击 地压顶板的采煤工作面动载荷造成的液压支架破坏问题,进行了大 流量安全阀的设计研究。

  • In particular entering 2011 the State monetary policy is becoming tight the bank industry has entered an interest rate hike cycle and the cost of loan is substantially increasing .

    尤其进入2011年以来,国家货币政策 趋紧,银行业进入 加息周期,贷款成本大幅提高。

  • Deep tight gas reservoirs are characterized by deep burial depth poor reservoir quality and low production rate but large exploration potentials .

    深层 致密 砂岩气藏具有埋藏深、物性差、 产量低的特点,但勘探潜力大。

  • However the hand of the & # 173 ; Chinese central bank which keeps a tight grip on the exchange rate has been evident .

    然而,一直 严格管控 汇率的中国央行在这波人民币贬值中的作用是显而易见的。