


  • Research on Effect of Enclose Tideland for Cultivation Dyke in Qingtongxia Reservoir

    青铜峡水库 围垦堤的影响研究

  • Combined with one tideland reclamation project the design of auxiliary wharf works is introduced from ship design dock structure design and other aspects in order to meet the charge and discharge requirements and provide references for similar work .

    结合某 海涂 围垦工程,从船型设计、码头结构设计等对海涂 围垦工程配套 采矿码头的设计进行了介绍,以满足装卸工艺的要求,为今后设计提供借鉴。

  • Remote Sensing Interpretation of Tideland Reclamation in Fujian Province in the past 40 Years

    近40年来福建 滩涂围垦的遥感解译

  • After analyzing the range of island ecosystem three subsystems of insular terrene tideland and shallow sea are put forward on the basis of hydrological geographic and biological characteristics and the scopes of them are defined .

    具体内容包括:⑴分析了海岛生态系统的范围,按照海岛生态系统水文、地理和生物特征,将海岛生态系统划分为岛陆、 和近海湿地三个生态子系统。

  • The paper studies the change of tideland after the century inning by method of artificial transformation forecast and moveable bed model based on the analysis of the bed evolution data .

    人体变形技术可以应用于三维动画技术、医学 诊断、运动分析和虚拟 现实领域,它包括 人体的整体变形和人体的局部变形两种类型。

  • A study on exploitation and utilization of Tideland Resources in Fujian Province

    福建省 滩涂资源的开发利用研究

  • Study on Types and Utilization of Grassland in Yancheng Tideland Zone

    盐城 滩涂草场类型及开发利用研究

  • Enclosing tideland for cultivation is an important approach to expand humans ' living and development space towards the ocean .


  • At last principles of resources exploitation and the pattern of agriculture ecology of tideland are discussed .

    探讨了 莱州 海涂资源开发的原则与农业生态模式。

  • New technique application to project quality detection of enclose tideland for cultivation to throw and fill


  • Land use landscape within tideland reclamation area is classified by means of geographical knowledge and visual interpretation .

    借助地学知识,运用目视解译方法,对 滩涂围垦区内的土地利用景观进行分类。

  • The development and utilization of tideland shall be subject to comprehensive planning and strict administration .


  • Some complex topography is taken into account including some fords in the bay mouth and the waterway and the artificially encl osed tideland .

    该模型考虑了湾口拦门沙、 湾内水道和人工围海等地形特点。

  • Brief introduction of the wharf design in tideland reclamation project

    海涂围垦工程 配套 采矿码头设计简介

  • Analysis of Sustainable Pattern of Tideland Use in Yangcheng City

    盐城市 滩涂 资源可持续利用模式 选择分析

  • The grain size distribution in Bohai sediment was that fine sand and arenaceous powder sand dominated tideland to clayey powder sand dominated Bohai Bay .

    渤海湾沉积物粒度分布从 的以细沙和砂质粉砂为主, 逐渐 过渡到渤海湾大 的粘土质粉砂。

  • Mangrove is a kind of special forest in tideland what is immerged by sea water seasonally .

    红树林是一种生长在被海水周期性 淹没 滩涂上的特殊森林类型。

  • Tests of the whole maize straw incorporation and the smashed ones were conducted on tideland of semi-arid area of Quzhou Hebei Province .

    中国 农业 大学 曲周试验 总结 前人基础上,结合 当地农村 实际 经济水平和耕作制度,提出了玉米秸秆整株还田方法。

  • Based on the practical thickness test on enclose tideland for cultivation to throw fill this paper presents the detection feasibility principle and the illustration of the detection images of geological radar .

    笔者根据对 围垦抛填厚度测试研究,分析了地质雷达探测的可行性、检测方法及探测图像的解释。

  • Research of Tideland Reclamation in Fujian Province Based on RS and GIS

    基于RS和GIS的福建 滩涂围垦研究

  • Design and Realization of Coastal Tideland Resources Development and Management System

    区域 滩涂资源开发管理系统的设计与实现

  • Foundation Bearing Treatment of Cast-in-place Box Beam Full Framing in Enclose Tideland for Cultivation Zone

    海滩 围垦区现浇箱梁满堂支架的地基承载处理

  • The insular terrene subsystem and terrestrial ecosystem have similarities ; and tideland and shallow sea subsystem possess the features that come from both terrestrial ecosystem and marine ecosystem .

    其岛陆子系统与陆域生态系统具有相似性:而 、近海湿地子系统兼具海洋与陆地生态体系的特征。

  • Tideland Pollution in Guangdong Province of China and Mangrove Afforestation

    广东省 污染与红树林造林

  • The management zoning could guide the precise fertilizer and production management and improve the crop production of tideland reclamation .

    研究得到的 农业管理分区可以指导精确施肥和 农业生产管理,提高 海涂 围垦区的作物生产量。

  • Health evaluation method of island ecological systemAs a complex ecological system island was decomposed into three subsystems which include island land tideland and onshore .

    海岛生态系统健康评价方法研究根据海岛生态系统的复杂性特征,本文将其划分为岛陆、 和近海三个子系统,针对各子系统的特征及其相互关系进行了 研究

  • The development of tideland sludge is an effective way to solve the contradict-tions of the people and land in coastal areas .


  • Distribution and habit of tideland gastropod in Qingdao

    青岛 腹足类动物分布和习性

  • There were 21 sampling sites established in the heavy metals investigating areas including 14 tideland sites 4 cage mariculture areas of fish and 3 seafoods markets .

    本次重金属污染调查共设置了21采样点,其中14个 采样点、4个渔排养殖区和3个水产品市场,调查时间为2004年7~8月。

  • Sensitivity Analysis of Ecosystem Service Value to Coastal Tideland Development in Jiangsu Province

    江苏省沿海 滩涂开发的生态系统服务价值响应研究