


  • Study on Radon and Thoron Concentration Measurement in Their Mixed Atmosphere by Air-flow and Time-delay Method

    流气延时法测量氡气 浓度的研究

  • The distribution of indoor thoron and its progeny concentration was derived from a theoretical model of one-dimensional diffusion . And the characteristics of their equilibrium factor F were studied .

    本文 运用一维扩散模型分析了室内 220Rn及其子体浓度的分布规律,讨论了室内220Rn与其子体的平衡因子F的性质和变化规律。

  • Study on the Activated Charcoal Monitor for Thoron in Air

    空气中 活性炭收集器的研究

  • The equivalent dose to male and female residents of thoron from honeycomb briquette is 0.29 and 0.25 μ Sv .

    燃煤 释放 所致男性和女性居民的剂量当量分别为0.29和0.25μ Sv。

  • Because of thoron exhalation the measurement results of radon exhalation rate using a local still method is usually larger than the true value of radon flux rate of the monitored material surface .

    采用局部静态法测量介质表面的 析出率时,受表面同时析出土气的影响,测量值可能偏高。

  • The Properties and Measurements of Thoron in Buildings

    建筑物内 的性质和测量

  • A method for the determination of sulfate in water is established by using alcohol as the medium thoron I as the indicator methylene blue solution as the foil and barium chloride standard solution as the titrant .

    提出了以乙醇为介质, 试剂作指示剂,亚甲基蓝溶液作衬色剂,用氯化钡标准溶液作滴定剂,测定水样中硫酸根离子的方法。

  • The main form of thoron ⅱ and its complex with beryllium (ⅱ) in solution ( pH 9 . 5 ) has been confirmed .

    并确定了于pH为9.5时 试剂和其铍(Ⅱ)配合物存在的主要形态。

  • Thoron Exhalation Rate Monitor With Absorber

    测量 析出率的吸收体法

  • Survey of radon thoron and its decay products in two coal mines in Fangshan area of Beijing

    北京房山区两座煤矿 ~ 222 Rn~ 220 Rn及其子体的测量

  • Polarographic studies of organic reagents ⅰ . polarographic studies of thoron zirconon and benzenearsonic acid

    有机试剂的极谱研究&Ⅰ. 试剂、锆试剂和苯胂酸的极谱研究

  • In the process of mining milling and steel and rare earth melting thoron element was released to the accessible environment together with smoke wastewater and disposed slag leading to radioactive contamination to the environment .

    在采矿、选矿、钢铁和稀土冶炼等生产中, 元素随烟尘、废水和废渣排放至环境中,造成放射性污染。

  • To improve the detectable limit of radioactive aerosol monitors it is very important to eliminate the inter-ference of the natural background i.e. radon and thoron daughter aerosol .

    为提高放射性气溶胶监测仪的灵敏度,消除天然本底即 子体气溶胶的干扰是极为重要的。

  • A preliminary measurement of radon and thoron concentrations in two types of dwellings in Xinwen village

    新闻村两种类型住房中 氡气 水平初步调查

  • The separation and determination of thorium was perfected on the column packed by the chemically modified resin containing 128 mg thoron ⅰ per 1 g at pH 2 and flow rate of 0.25 ml / min.

    钍的分离和测定系在装有化学改性树脂(每克含 试剂Ⅰ128毫克 的柱上,在pH2和流速0.25毫升/分完成的。

  • Thoron in ammonium buffer solution produces a good reduction wave and another complex reduction wave appears after it as the beryllium ion is added . The height of complex wave is linear with beryllium ionic concentration .

    试剂在氨缓冲液中产生一个良好的还原 其中再加入铍离子时,在 试剂波之后又产生一个络合物的还原波,络合物波高与铍离子浓度成直线关系。

  • The contribution of honeycomb briquette burning to indoor radon and thoron is 0.98 and 0.53 Bq / m ~ ( 3 ) . The equivalent dose to male and female residents of indoor radon from honeycomb briquette is 15.91 and 13.98 μ Sv .

    蜂窝煤燃烧1h对室内氡贡献为0.98Bq/m3,对室内 贡献为0.53Bq/m3.燃煤释放氡所致男性和女性居民的剂量当量分别为15.91和13.98μ Sv。

  • Studies on Aspects of Passive and Integrated Thoron Measurement Method and Effective Dose Evaluation Method of Thoron Progeny and Their Preliminary Applications


  • Study on Simulative Measurement of Radon and Thoron Progeny Deposited in Human Respiratory Tract

    人体呼吸道氡 子体沉积的模拟测量方法研究

  • Calculation of Radon and Thoron Daughters Concentration by Least Squares

    最小二乘原理计算氡 子体浓度

  • A formula for computing the concentration of radon and thoron measured by improved double-filter method

    改进的双滤膜法测定 浓度的计算公式

  • The uncertainties of the calibration factors of the scintillation cells for radon and thoron concentration measurement by air-flow method are less than 5.0 % .

    流气闪烁法测氡气 浓度的刻度因子的不确定度小于5.0%。

  • A general formula of ballon method for the measurement of radon and thoron

    气球法测定 浓度的一般公式

  • NECESSARY ATTENTION TO RADIATION EXPOSURE OF POPULATION FROM THORON AND ITS PROGENY Irradiation caused a distinct G2 / M block and decreased G 0 / G1 phase population in 293 and C.

    有必要注意 及其子体对居民产生的照射照射后293和C。

  • Detection of Thoron in Air

    空气中 的探测

  • Relations between Radon Thoron Emanation from Soil-rock and Temperature Barometer Pressure and Earthquakes

    气温、气压、地震对 、从岩土中析出的影响

  • Balloon method for the measurement of radon and thoron in environment

    气球法环境中 测定

  • The principle of discriminating radon and realizing thoron measurement with absorber a passive and integrated thoron monitor developed and its calibration method are introduced .

    本文介绍了加吸收体甄别氡及实现 220Rn 直接测量的原理、剂量计及其刻度方法。

  • It was successfully used to automatically determine the concentrations of radon and thoron daughters in air .

    用它测定空气中气 子体浓度获得良好结果。