




  • Researchers discovered that the concentration at the infection can be a thousandfold greater than when oral or I medication is used .

    研究发现: 滴耳到达炎症 部位 浓度是口服或 给药的 数千

  • If it is possible for leaves and clay and wood and hair to have their value multiplied a hundred yea a thousandfold by man cannot I do the same with the clay which bears my name ?

    如果桑叶、粘土、 柏树、羊毛经过人的 创造,可以 成百 提高自身的价值,那么我们为什么不能使自己 身价百倍呢?

  • It shows a thousandfold selectivity for fluoride over other common anions .

    它对氟离子的选择性比其它普通阴离子高 几千

  • And I will repay you a thousandfold with any sacrifice you ask of me .

    我会以 千万 的牺牲来回报你的。

  • This was going from about 60 elements on an integrated circuit to 60 & a thousandfold extrapolation over 10 years .

    也就是说,一个集成电路上的晶体管会从大约60个 增加到6万个&在10年时间里 提升之前 1000