


  • The thoughtway and the method of developing motorcycle vibration absorber CAD system with microcomputer are introduced and some concerned techniques and experiences are interpreted .

    介绍了在微机上开发摩托车减振器CAD系统的 思路和方法,并对涉及的技术和开发经验给予了阐述。

  • Exploration of Practical Learning & the Mode of Higher vocational Education in Commercial Education ; Thoughtway and Plan for Business Colleges Teaching Reform Item ;

    实践性学习的探索&商科 高职教育培养模式实现的 途径商科 高职高专院校教学综合改革项目 思路与计划方案(一)

  • Currently the systematic defect is an outstanding problem that effecting the thoughtway of carrying on being practical and realistic .

    当前,制度性缺陷是影响坚持实事求是 思想 路线的突出问题。

  • Develops triumphantly software about the theory of fractal used in oil gas detection and affords a new thoughtway and a new method for the forecast of oil gas .

    完成了分形理论用于油气检测中的软件包,为油气检测这一课题提供了一种新 思路、新方法。

  • The main thoughtway in designing the Set-top Box games clients is the object-oriented programming thought .

    机顶盒游戏客户端主要设计 思路是按照面向对象的设计思想。

  • Abstracting the thoughtway and emphasizing the cultivation of abilities .

    提炼 思想 方法,注重能力的培养 个方面, 阐述数学 教学 方法 改革 具体构思。

  • Connotation and Thoughtway of Industrial Design

    工业设计的内涵与 思维 方式

  • Applying the knowledge of system reliability engineering knowledges discussing thoughtway of reliability analyse of gas storage well safety system as a thereunder of scientific evaluating reliability of the system .

    应用系统可靠性工程知识,对储气井安全系统的可靠性分析的 思路 方法进行了 初步探讨,为进一步科学地评价储气井安全系统的可靠性打下了基础。

  • Comrade Chen Yun has formed his unique thoughtway and leading style during the long-term career of revolution and construction .

    陈云同志在他长期革命和建设的生涯中,形成了独特的 思想 方法和领导风格。

  • On the method of research this text references the thoughtway and advanced theory of computer science and cybernetics such as R-E real time database technique feedback control way .

    在研究方法上,本文充分借鉴了计算机科学和控制论上一些先进理论和 思想 方法,如 R-E(实体联系方法),实时数据库技术,反馈监控理论等等。

  • It has also analyzed the existing problems in research advanced a new design thoughtway .

    介绍了 机械 系统 人机 界面 设计 理论 方法,分析了当前研究中存在的问题,提出了新的设计 思路

  • There is a basic thoughtway to deal with the cosmically heterogeneity data and their fusion in allusion to electric power establishment locating . The theories of fuzzy mode identify and data fusion had been used in the synthesis evaluation process of substation locating in power system planning .

    以地理空间电力设施选址为目标,提出了解决大规模异质数据集的处理和数据融合问题的基本 思路,将模糊模式识别和数据融合理论应用于电网规划中的变电站选址综合评价过程。

  • Function And Teaching Of Integral Thoughtway

    整体 思想 方法的功能及教学

  • The proposed method not only brings the new thoughtway and new method to solve the unit commitment problem but also has important heuristic meaning in solving other combinatorial optimization problems that have complicated constrains .

    该算法不仅为解决机组组合问题带来了新的 思路和方法,在求解其它带有复杂约束条件的组合优化问题方面也有非常重要的启发意义。

  • His thoughtway and leading style seeped the live materialistic dialectics and the lofty quality of being loyal to the people loyal to the party 's undertaking .

    他的 思想 方法和领导风格,渗透着活的唯物辩证法,渗透着忠于人民、忠于党的事业的崇高品质。

  • The paper introduced component and function of hoist hardware system . After analyzing the requirement and building models according to the thoughtway of software engineering application software compiled by Visual Basic has been accomplished and debugged .

    文章简述了提升机的硬件系统组成及其功能特点,按照软件工程的 思想,对软件进行了需求分析和模块 划分,最后采用可视化语言VISUALBASIC完成了程序的编制及调试。

  • Thoughtway of mathematical models utilization and the study of heat transfer are combined in my teaching practice and new ideas are being tried to provided hopefully for teaching reform .

    我在实际教学中尝试把数学建模的 思想 方法与传热学教学相结合,希望能为课程整合以及教学改革提供一点新的思路。

  • The Constructive Thoughtway Research of Secondary School Mathematics Competition

    中学数学竞赛中的构造性 思想 方法研究

  • The material method of the thoughtway is that : the two regimentations use different recognition algorithms .

    思想 具体 方法是对汉字和字符分别采用不同的识别算法。

  • Mathematical thoughtway in elementary number theory

    初等数论中 蕴涵的数学 思想 方法

  • The system designing thoughtway is presented by using the virtual technology and the modern animation theory . Meanwhile every module of the system is parted according to its different function .

    根据虚拟现实技术和现代动画原理,对系统中各功能模块进行了划分,提出系统的设计 思路

  • Aimed at characteristics of electromagnetism theory knowledge and thoughtway this paper sets up basic principle of content and system of electromagnetism course .

    针对电磁学理论知识和 思想 方法的特点,提出了电磁学内容与体系设置的基本原则。

  • This paper accord with thoughtway of system science and follow the order of nature the order of economy the order of society and use sustainable development theory to settle material and practical problem about protection of spring in Jinan .

    本论文按照系统科学的 思想 方法,遵循自然规律、经济规律和社会规律,运用可持续发展理论解决济南保泉这一具体、实际问题。

  • This paper introduced a kind of variable type collecting method which is based on layered thoughtway and abstract syntax tree .

    提出了一种基于分层 思想的,并且无 构造具体语法树的变量类型提取方法。

  • We can utilize the theory and method of complex system science to solve quality problems . This thesis mainly discusses the continuous quality improving of the product system where the thoughtway of system science sparkles .

    本文主要解决产品系统中的持续质量改进问题,过程中多处体现了系统科学的 思想

  • So they compared Buddhism and science theory with the thinking manner and reasoning thoughtway that pertain to scientist .

    他们以科学家的 视点对佛教 理论进行了 重新 认识,以科学家 特有的思维方式和论证 思路对佛教(佛法)和科学理论 作出了比较 研究

  • Conclusions The important channel and the essential method to improve the thought quality of university students is strengthening the pertinency and efficiency of the moral education in following aspects : the reason education the social practice and the edification and guidance for thoughtway .

    结论从情理教育,社会实践以及增强启迪引导的针对性和 实效性等方面入手,加强德育工作的针对性和实效性,是提高大学生思想素质的重要渠道和必要手段。

  • On the other hand makes full use of complicated systematic thoughtway to analyze the social system of government management moreover gives a concrete construe on the new conception of international administration that going with globalizing tide .

    另一方面,运用了复杂系统 思维 方式来分析政府管理的社会系统,并对针对全球化浪潮的国际行政这一新概念作了更具体的分析。

  • The article expatiated on mathematics diathesis education from four aspects : grasping thoughtway bring up creative ideation combining theory with practice and grasping modern education technology .

    本文试图通过掌握 思想 方法、培养创新思维能力、理论联系实际、掌握现代教育技术四个途径,来阐述如何对学生进行数学素质教育。

  • Materialistic dialectical law is a basic thoughtway instructing us to analyze and solve matters .

    唯物辩证法是指导我们分析和解决问题的基本 思想 方法能引导我们正确地 看待 事物,科学地分析矛盾。