three-dimensional table


  • This paper introduced the structural and tuning principles of a three-dimensional vibration table established variable stiffness experimental equipment and studied the role played by resonance in the energy and amplitude variation in a variable stiffness system .

    首先介绍了 三维振动 的结构原理和变刚度调谐原理,建立了变刚度试验装置,研究了共振在变刚度系统中能量和振幅变化情况。

  • The dose distribution can be representation by two-dimensional three-dimensional grid or isodose line also include dose histogram data audio commentary and application table but without the definition of coordinate systems it needs to definition with other related objects .

    其中剂量的分布可以通过二维、 三维的网格或等剂量线来表示,还可以包含剂量直方图数据、声音解说、应用 查找 ,但没有坐标系统的定义,需要和其他相关对象同时定义。

  • Regional material flow analysis model based on three-dimensional physical input-output table

    基于 三维物质投入产出 的区域物质流分析模型

  • Color Space Conversion : The color space conversion with three-dimensional lookup table ( 3D LUT ) method and artificial neural network ( ANN ) method is studied .

    颜色空间转化:对曝光系统颜色空间转化的 三维(3DLUT)和人工神经网络(ANN)方法进行了研究。

  • Establishment of the Standard Three-dimensional Die Sets Database Based on Family Table and Pro / Program

    基于Pro/Family Table和Pro/Program 三维冲压模标准模架库的建立

  • Three-dimensional trigonal taper of the elemental periodic table

    三角锥形元素周期 的设计

  • This topic using the camera installed in the Z-axis of three-dimensional motion Taiwan by moving three-dimensional motion on the table scanners capture images of parts . Introduce the bench erected in various parts highlighted the AC servo control system . ( 3 ) Measurement path planning .

    设计测量装置机械系统。本课题设计方案为将相机装在 三维运动台的Z轴上,通过相机移动扫描 在工作台上的零件来采集图像,介绍了实验台的各个组成构件。

  • Use of the Method of Three-Dimensional Table in Flame Spectrometry Study

    火焰光谱研究中的 三维

  • Research of Seismic Facies Analysis Technology Based on Three-dimensional Seismism ; Horizontal shaking table tests for structure with viscoelastic multi-dimensional earthquake isolation and mitigation devices

    基于 三维地震的地震相分析技术研究黏弹性多维隔减震结构水平向振动 试验研究

  • By controling three-dimensional motion of the X-Y table and bond head precision positioning and desired line-type gold wires can be realized and an ultrasonic wave bonded method is used .

    工作原理是通过XY工作 和焊头的 三维运动控制,定位并拉出设定的金丝线型,采用超声波热压球焊方法焊接芯片管脚。

  • Based on this scheme a transmission-and-control system is built to control the pressure and flow rate of immersion liquid and a three-dimensional visual detection system is established including an optical table the motion platform control system a high-speed video camera and so on .

    建立浸没液体的供液及回收回路,以控制浸没液体流动的压力与流量,结合光学 平台、运动控制平台和高速相机等设备,搭建 三维浸没流场检测的试验系统。

  • According to the transmission principle of the rotary table drive system and the structural features of its components the three-dimensional geometric model of the rotary table drive system is established in the Pro / E software .

    根据转盘驱动系统的传动原理和各零部件的结构特点,在Pro/E中建立了 转盘驱动系统的 三维几何模型。

  • Color Correction of Digital Image Based on Three-dimensional Look-up Table

    基于 三维查找 的数字图像颜色校正

  • Certain cases in the use of three-dimensional contingency table with ordered variables are discussed in this paper .

    本文就含有序变量的 三维列联 的几种情况作了讨论。

  • The way to generate three-dimensional virtual models of robot manipulators from a D-H parameter table was proposed to realize the visualization of robot .

    提出了采用D-H参数 生成机器人 三维虚拟模型的方法,实现了机器人的可视化。

  • Secondly to realize the real time market analysis a NB ( naive Bayesian ) classification engine based on a dynamic three-dimensional link table is realized and tested .

    针对电子交易行情数据的动态特征,采用动态 三维 链表结构实现朴素贝叶斯分类器,并对其分类准确度和效率进行测试与分析。

  • Develop Three-dimensional Electronic Sand Table of Oil Depot Research on the Controllable System by Computer for the Lights of Sand

    油库 三维电子 沙盘的设计与实现微机控制下的沙盘灯光系统的研制

  • Electronic sand table is a realistic three-dimensional terrain perspective which is created automatically based on the geographic information data combining with the technology of modern computer graphics . Electronic sand table generates according to the composting theory of traditional sand table .

    电子 沙盘是以传统沙盘堆制理论为依据,以地理信息数据作为形成地形的基础,结合现代计算机图形图像技术,自动生成的形象逼真的地形 立体透视图。

  • In this paper use the ARIEL / APAS three-dimensional image analysis system on the excellent table tennis backhand medial screw technology to table within for three-dimensional shooting action and analysis access to the process of technical action related Kinematic parameters use the Excel for statistics .

    本文运用ARIEL/APAS 三维图像解析系统对我国优秀 乒乓球运动员余世钦、朱文涛的反手台内侧拧技术动作进行了三维立体拍摄和解析,获得了技术动作过程相关运动学参数,运用excel进行数理统计。