


  • That the article brings forward life education finally is that one school family have composed in reply interactive active society system engineering viewpoint and the pattern has been in progress with regard to the route choice improving Three-in-One to expound .

    文章最后提出生命教育是一项学校、家庭和社会积极互动的系统工程的观点,并就健全 三位一体的路径选择模式进行了阐述。

  • With the policy such as the three-in-one FTTH putting forward the technology of fiber communication have developed a lot .

    由于 三网 、FTTH等政策的推出,光纤通信技术得到了极大的发展。

  • In the 1960s Wang Lee in his Ancient Chinese established for the first time the three-in-one combination of literary selections everyday expressions and a general survey which became a model for the compilation of the Ancient Chinese textbooks .

    60年代,王力主编的《古代汉语》第一次确定了文选、常用词和 通论 结合 体例,成为古代汉语教材编写的范本;

  • The Establishment of the Three-in-one Teaching Management System by strengthening Its Management Function

    强化管理功能,构建 三位一体的教学管理体系

  • Therefore the three-in-one pump should not use the three functions at the same time it should be at the option of using the pump at the same time more attention .

    因此, 泵不宜同时使用三种功能,应该在选择使用此泵的同时加强注意。

  • Experimental study on shape optimization of three-in-one diversion tunnel in high-head hydropower station

    高水头水电站 布置的体型优化试验

  • By adopting the method of norms of political science and the method of practical demonstration in sociology this part demonstrates the inner link scientific law and actual achievements of fostering the young carders by adopting the Three-in-one model .

    并适当采用政治学的规范和社会学实证的方法来证明该模式对培养高素质青年 党政干部的内在联系、科学规律和实际成效。

  • Second the middle view to carry on rational distribution to the advantage and sustainable development projects to set up the department of research teaching training the system of combining by three-in-one ;

    二是中观面,对优势和可持续发展项目进行优化配置,建立科、教、训 结合体系;

  • Design of Three-in-one Composite Compensator


  • With the successful application of three-in-one technology in the domestic offshore oil field This style technology will become more and more widely used in offshore oil development .

    随着 三井技术在国内海上油田开发中的成功应用,这项技术越来越广泛的应用于海洋石油开发领域。

  • The Three-in-One Miracle mask renovates skin with integrated effects of whitening moisturizing and soothing for sensitive skin .

    集美白、补水、舒敏、 的奇迹修复型面膜。

  • The objective of Beijing National Earth Observatory is to make a great effort to transform it into observing and researching and forecasting three-in-one combination seismic station . In order to realize this objective the way and step of the management is provided .

    提出了把北京国家地球观象台建成监测、预测、科研 结合台站的管理目标,给出了实现这个目标应采取的管理方法和必要措施。

  • Many researches have shown that it is of great realistic significance to strengthen close ties among kindergartens families and communities to build the early children education model and operational system as three-in-one including kindergartens families and communities .

    国内外许多研究表明,加强幼儿园与家庭、社区的密切联系,构建幼儿园、家庭、社区 三位一体的社区儿童早期教育模式及运行机制, 形成社区儿童早期教育 服务 正向 合力,具有重要的现实 义。

  • Three-in-one Management Model of Occupational Health

    职业卫生 三位一体管理模式探讨

  • The Study on Plot and Operational Mechanism of Three-in-one Management System in Construction Enterprise

    建筑施工企业 管理体系策划与运行机制探讨

  • The development of cultural creative industries must be three-in-one . The government relevant institutes and the parks are the three major driving forces .

    政府、相关机构和园区(基地)也是文化创意产业发展的三股主要推动力量;发展文化创意产业必须 确保 三力

  • Exploration on the Three-in-One Urban Community Management Model

    城市社区 建设 三位一体工作模式探析

  • To promote the rural construction it is necessary to combine the up to down and the down to up governance modes and build up the government market and community three-in-one development mode .

    促进乡村建设,需要对接“自上而下”和“自下而上”的治理方式,构建政府、市场和社区 三位一体的发展模式。

  • Process innovation of high purity hydrochloric acid by three-in-one graphitic synthetic furnace method was introduced .

    介绍了 石墨炉法 生产高纯盐酸工艺的改进, 确定了最佳工艺流程。

  • We should encourage scientific and technical personnel to use their initiative and we should set up three-in-one combinations . Scientists and technicians should not feel downcast .

    要发挥科技人员的积极性,要搞 结合,科技人员不要灰溜溜的。

  • In these cases fixed dose combination tablets are required ( two-or three-in-one pills ) .

    在这些情况下,需要固定剂量的联合片剂( 二合一 丸剂)。

  • The direct current integrated power supply system A core power supply is designed in the control core of the EFP system utilizing the three-in-one coaxial cable to supply low voltage DC current to the cameras and monitors .

    就是在EFP系统中心控制位置设计一个中心电源,利用 同轴电缆中的 传输低压直流电力供给摄像机和监视器的需要。

  • Summarize the agrotechnical popularization mode of suitable Yinchuan : the mode that combines the organization of agricultural technology popularization under the leadership of the government and teaching scientific research for popularization education cooperative popularization scientific research combine by three-in-one of subject while being agrotechnical ;

    总结出适合银川市的农技推广模式:政府领导下的专业 农技推广机构和教学科研为主体的科研、教育、推广 结合的合作推广模式;

  • The editor 's artistic analysis has three aspects : three-in-one artistic analysis study of the author and study of the reader .

    编辑的艺术分析包括三个方面: 三位一体的艺术分析,对作家的研究分析,对读者的研究分析。

  • Design of Three-in-one Composite Achromatic Compensator


  • Their three-in-one to coordinate with each other the organic integration of multi-channel direct sales .

    它们 三位一体,相互协调,有机融合了多渠道直销。

  • The formation of the continent mid-range fine three-in-one source system its large quantity and variety of complete effectively protects the surrounding areas of the capital and consumer demand .

    形成了大陆、中档、精品 三位一体的货源体系,其数量之大、品种之齐全,有力地保障了省会及周边地区的消费需求。

  • Discussion on the three-in-one system integrative running of project management company

    项目管理公司进行 体系整合运行的探讨

  • Three-in-one pump filter set surfing functions and processing of oxygen .


  • It packed by three-in-one paper pack or kraft more than three layers 25 KG one bag .

    产品纸塑 包装或三层以上牛皮纸包装, 25KG/