three services

[θri /ˈsɜːvɪsis/][θri: /ˈsɜːvɪsis/]


  • First set the scientific grass-roots extension services institution and innovative evaluations mechanisms support all types of agricultural science and technology services to organize and develop play the agricultural research institutes ' role to promote the three into three services activities .

    一是科学设置基层推广服务机构、创新考评机制、支持各类农业科技服务组织发展、发挥农业科研院所和大专院校作用、推进三走进 服务工作。

  • This example uses the WSDL-only option to ensure that the Bus recognizes that all three services implement the same WSDL portType .

    这个示例运用WSDL的唯一选项来确保总线能辨认所有 服务实现相同的WSDL端口类型。

  • After flying all night from Washington D.C. I was tired as I arrived at the Mile High Church in Denver to conduct three services and hold a workshop on prosperity consciousness .

    经过一夜疲惫的飞行,我终于从华盛顿特区来到丹佛的梅尔海教堂,准备主礼 崇拜,并主持一项探讨成功意识的研讨会。

  • The listings below show the application interfaces for the three services .

    以下清单显示了 服务的应用程序接口。

  • From a decade-old veteran to a two-month-old newbie here are three services leaving their mark .

    以下是 值得一提的 服务,其中既包括已有十来年历史的“ 老将”,也有推出仅两个月的“新兵”。

  • What it does : of the three services 11-year-old Pandora ( P ) is by far the oldest and most mainstream .

    业务模式:在这 服务中,推出已有11年的潘多拉历史悠久得多,也主流得多。

  • The Queen has appointed Prince Charles honorary five-star rank in all three services to acknowledge his support in her role as Commander-in-Chief .

    女王已任命查尔斯王子担任英国海、陆、空 三军的五星荣誉统帅,以表示对查尔斯支持女王总司令 工作的认可。

  • The three services reviewed and compared in this article each has its unique approach and as a result unique strengths and weaknesses .

    在本文中回顾并比较的 服务中的每一种都有其独特的方法,因此具有独特的优点和缺点。

  • The sum of these three services value is 82.34 % of total value from all services .


  • Together with these three services in place DCE enforces a very effective security mechanism in distributed environment .

    将这 服务相结合,DCE在分布式环境中实现了一种非常有效的安全机制。

  • The authors describe the high-level architecture for this scenario which includes one process and three services .

    作者描述了这种场景的进阶架构,该架构包括一个流程和 服务

  • It also details the history and present condi-tion of the laser weapons developed by the US three services and briefs the research and development of the laser weapon of the Soviet Union Germany France and the People 's Republic of China .

    详细介绍了美国陆海空 三军对激光武器的研制历史和现状,并简要介绍了苏联、德国、法国和中国对激光武器的研究发展概况。

  • The example shows only the template of service description for the search functions in those three services .

    该示例显示了这 服务的搜索函数的唯一服务描述模板。

  • As a short-running process the expected behavior is to invoke all three services and to commit the transaction .

    作为一个短期运行流程,预期的行为就是调用全部 服务并执行事务。

  • Our church has three services each Sunday .

    我们的教堂每星期天举行 礼拜 仪式

  • These operations are then aggregated into a set of three services for search ordering and account management .

    这些操作集合成一组 用于搜索、订购和账户管理的 服务

  • The Implementation of Three Services Reflects the Level of Leadership

    落实 服务体现领导水平

  • Rough particle size loose coupling three services are created according to the practical business of the SCADA system dispatching system every classes related web services are encapsulated related WSDL files are created in the . NET platform .

    根据SCADA系统调度端实际的业务创建了粒度较粗松耦合的 服务,在.NET平台下封装了各类相关Web服务,建好相应的WSDL文件。

  • The music on demand system is based on the IMS network controlled by SIP signaling can provide users with three services : video audio and text .

    该音乐点播系统基于IMS网络,使用SIP信令实现控制,为用户提供视频、音频和文字 级别 服务

  • After separation Business rules have been open for three services : decision-making rules ( Decision Rules ) service rules of action ( Action Rules ) and the task rules ( Task Rules ) services .

    分离之后,业务规则被公开为 服务:决策规则(DecisionRules)服务、动作规则(ActionRules)服务和任务规则(TaskRules)服务。

  • Two members of the royal family currently hold five-star rank – the Duke of Edinburgh in all three services and the Duke of Kent who is a Field Marshal .

    目前英国有两位皇室成员拥有五星军衔&同样获得 三军最高荣誉统帅军衔的爱丁堡公爵(菲利普亲王)和获得陆军荣誉元帅军衔的肯特公爵。

  • You could use a WS-BPEL micro-flow to call the three services also providing transactionality .

    您可以使用WS-BPEL微流调用这 服务,同时提供事务性。

  • To establish a quiet safe and harmonious educational environment centered around students to contribute to their free vivacious and active development which will result in the achievement of the targets of Three services and Two Developments for rear service administration .

    坚持以学生本,建立一个安静、安全、和谐的育人环境,促进学生自由、生动、活泼地发展,实现后勤管理工作 服务两育人的目标。

  • For example : a developer may add three services in to the internal UDDI .

    例如:假定某个开发人员向内部UDDI添加了 服务

  • Stress Aim Concept Provide Three Services For Safety And Technique Prevention Enterprise

    强化宗旨意识为技防企业做好 服务

  • College logistics takes service as its soul adheres to the purpose of three services three educations and provides logistic guarantee of researching learning and living for school teachers and students .

    高校后勤工作是以服务为灵魂,秉承 服务,三育人的校训宗旨,为学校师生员工提供科研、学习、生活的后勤保障。

  • Secure Sockets Layer more commonly known as SSL provides three services

    安全套接字层(通常被称为SSL)可提供以下 服务