to avail of...


  • This madman refused to avail himself of the messengers of mercy sent to him in that moment of imminent danger .

    在危难中,他像疯子似的 拒绝 那些仁慈的救生员的救助。

  • It succeeded because Asian governments made sure their farmers big and small were able and willing to avail themselves of fertiliser irrigation and connections to markets .

    亚洲的成功还因为政府能确保大大小小的农民们能够且 乐于施肥、灌溉以及联系市场。

  • Freshmen should first learn how to avail themselves of the books in the library .

    新生首先要学会 如何 利用图书馆的书籍。

  • Scott tries to avail himself of all the opportunities .

    史考特尝试 利用所有的机会。

  • Whether a man is wise or not usually lies upon his way of doing things . One peculiar avenue to success is to avail oneself of others ' resources .

    一个人有无智慧,往往体现在做事的方法上。借用别人的智慧 己成功,也是一条成功之道。

  • You have been doing fantastic schools when will you be ready to move it forward and enable more Chinese children to avail of your great education ?

    你们在做一个非常好的学校,你们什么时候可以往下一步发展并且让更多的中国孩子 受益 你们伟大的教育?

  • Nuclear warhead design for instance is unlikely to avail itself of the open innovation model .

    例如,核弹头的设计就不太可能 利用开放创新模式。

  • Guests should feel at liberty to avail themselves of your facilities .

    宾客们应该可以随意 使用你们的各种设施。

  • Many loyal field hands also refused to avail themselves of the new freedom but the hordes of trashy free issue niggers who were causing most of the trouble were drawn largely from the field-hand class .

    许多干田间活的忠心奴隶也 拒绝 接受这种新的自由。不过闹事最凶的那群“没用的自由黑鬼”却大部分来自干农活的阶层。

  • Nevertheless salvors carrying out such salvage operations shall be entitled to avail themselves of the rights and remedies provided for in this Convention in respect of salvage operations .

    然而,从事此种救助作业的救助人,有权 享有本公约所规定的有关救助作业的权利和补偿。

  • You owe it to yourself to remain young and healthy so you will be around to avail yourself of the knowledge experience and wealth that you have gained with age .

    只有使自己保持健康,拥有年轻,你才能 享有你已经拥有的知识,经验和财富。

  • He did not omit to avail himself of the opportunity cautiously and briefly : too cautiously to betray his presence by the slightest noise .

    他没有 错过这个机会,谨慎而且迅速;谨慎得一点声音都没有,免得让人知道他来了。

  • Knowledge times require us to avail ourselves of every chance to improve our knowledge especially the new knowledge .

    知识时代要求我们 利用每一个机会增长自己的知识,尤其是那些新出现的知识。

  • I would like to avail myself of this exercise .

    愿意 借此锻炼一下。

  • Far from resenting such tutelage I am only too glad to avail myself of it .

    我决不憎恨这种教育,相反,我十分 高兴 它加以 利用

  • One peculiar avenue to success is to avail oneself of others'resources .

    借用别人的智慧 己成功,也是一条成功之道。

  • I haven 't felt inclined to avail myself of your kind offer .

    我还不 接受你好心的建议。

  • We have to invent a process a chemical extraction process that will make the production of magnesium cheaper so that we will have the opportunity to avail ourselves of energy-efficient materials .

    我们必须发明出一种方法,一种化学提炼方法,能够使生产镁变得更便宜,那样我们才有机会, 我们自己 上高效能的材料。

  • Jude had eagerly promised to avail himself of the opportunity .

    裘德当时急忙 答应了,说他一定 不能让这个机会 错过

  • It is a kind of economical and effective means of controlling water-body pollution to avail of water environment purification capacity properly .

    妥善 利用水环境净化能力是一种经济有效的水污染控制手段。

  • I will not hesitate to make avail of it .

    我不会毫不 犹豫的使用它。

  • The emphasis is to avail itself of the quantitative analysis of business process reengineering to redesign the procurement audit flow so as to change the organization structure and advance the management efficiency ;

    重点思路是 利用业务流程重组的过程代数定量分析方法重新设计采购审计流程,这在 很大程度上改变了企业的组织结构,提高了企业的管理效率;

  • The difference of it to the typical vector hydrophone is to avail of the MEMS acceleration sensors . And this make the volume littler at the same time the whole density gets smaller .

    与以往同振式矢量 水听器不同的是由于采用了MEMS加速度传感器,不仅减小了矢量水听器体积,同时也降低了整体密度。

  • Shareholders must have held shares for a year to avail themselves of it and will only be allowed nominations for up to a quarter of the total number of directors .

    股东必须持股一年, 才能 适用此项 新规,并且只能获准提名至多占总人数四分之一的董事。

  • The producer would try to guide the receiver to the proper understanding of his message ; the receiver in the meantime would try to avail himself of the message in a most direct way .

    收回者想 指挥收受者 理解其消息,而与此同时收受者也在 尽力 最间接的 伎俩 诈欺这消息。

  • This option is also available to eurozone countries if they choose to avail themselves of it .

    这一方法也可以为欧元区国家所 ,如果它们下 决心选择这么做的

  • Guests are encouraged to avail themselves of the full range of hotel facilities .

    旅馆鼓励旅客充分 利用各种设施。