to back up...


  • When a Lotus Quickr place is backed up each component is notified to back up its own content .

    当一个LotusQuickr位置完成备份后,每个组件将收到通知, 要求 备份其自身的内容。

  • If you are using web distribution you need to back up and restore the OAB file on your server .

    如果要使用web分发,则 需要在服务器上 备份和还原oab文件。

  • Prompt me to back up my licenses .

    提示我 备份许可证。

  • As a safety precaution you might want to back up your original configuration files before upgrading .

    为安全起见,在升级之前您可能 备份您的原始配置文件。

  • To show how this works I need to back up and explain how the PDOM operates .

    为显示其工作原理,我 需要 备份并解释PDOM是如何操作的。

  • You need to back up your important files regularly .

    定期 备份你的重要档案。

  • He tried to back up off the track but got completely stuck .

    当他 试图 向后 车倒出时,却发现车已经完全卡在轨道里纹丝不动了。

  • You forgot to back up some essential files like the emergency bootfile .

    但是 备份一些重要的文件,例如emergencybootfile。

  • For these reasons I much prefer to back up the queue manager meta-data .

    出于这些原因,我更倾向 备份队列管理器元数据。

  • Follow these steps to back up databases or table spaces online .

    按照这些步骤 数据库或表空间进行在线 备份

  • Now she has the research to back up her hunch .

    而现在就有一个研究结果 支持她的观点。

  • To back up the filesystems and configuration files refer to Filesystem / File backup section command .


  • Use the backup task assistant to back up your system .

    使用备份任务助手 备份系统。

  • IBM provides the backupios command to back up the VIO Server .

    IBM提供了backupios命令, 以便 VIO服务器进行 备份

  • Commands have been added to back up and restore broker configuration for the purposes of disaster recovery .

    为了在必要时进行灾难恢复,已经添加了 备份和恢复代理配置的命令。

  • The / indicates what we want to back up .

    表示我们 想要 备份的内容。

  • Using creative scripting you can design a custom backup scheme to back up systems both locally and remotely .

    使用创造性的脚本,您能够设计一个自定义的方案 本地和远程地 备份系统。

  • Now to answer that I 'm going to back up one more level .

    现在为了回答这个问题,我会 退一小步。

  • This setup optimizes the time it takes to back up valuable purchased content from a user 's smartphone .

    这种设置优化了从用户智能手机 备份有价值的购买内容的时间。

  • Clogged pipes caused drain water to back up into the room .

    水管堵塞,排出去的水 倒灌入室。

  • Also remember to back up all required database software libraries parameter files and password files .

    另外,要记得 备份所需的所有数据库软件库、参数文件和密码文件。

  • You need to back up * Now .

    往后 点。

  • You have not selected any files to back up .

    您尚未选择 进行 备份的任何文件。

  • Find references to back up new beliefs that empower you .

    找出参考(经验) 支持激励你的新信念。

  • I wonder what has caused so many vehicles to back up here .

    我不知道为什么会有这么多车辆 阻塞 这里。

  • Enter the location to back up or restore your licenses .

    输入许可证的 备份或恢复位置。

  • Learn to back up your ideas or decisions with reason .

    用理性 支持你的想法或决定。

  • Outlook automatically creates a folder labeled archive folders after you run AutoArchive to back up your items .

    运行“自动存档” 备份项目之后,outlook将自动创建一个名为“存档文件夹”的文件夹。

  • Use more than one method to back up your database and test all backup and recovery scenarios carefully .

    使用多种方法 备份数据库,并仔细测试所有备份和恢复场景。

  • You have to back up copies of your files .

    因为你 把这些文档储存 起来备用。